Final Fantasy: Chakara Chaos P.3

It was Shizune who was at the door. She was pale and she was panting. She looked at Tsunade as if she was shocked.

"What is it Shizune?" Tsunade asked concerned.

"There's a BIG problem at one the northern villages Lady Tsunade!" Shizune replied quickly.

Tsunade suddenly became serious.

So me, my sister, Lynda, Annie, Kakaashi and several other shinobi flew through the trees following Tsunade and Shizune.

"What do you think happened?" I asked Annie. She didnt answer.

Finally, we landed at the ridge of a valley. In the valley, was a burning village. Several people were screaming for help. It was terrible. Suddenly, Christi stepped foward and pointed at three distant figures near the enterance to the struggling village. I recognized them! It was the same three guys that worked with Sepheroth! But what did they want here now?

I could see that Christi was begining to get furious. I wanted to stop her but was too late. She had already leaped into the valley and began to chase the intruders. The last thing I heard her say was, "Its time to get rid of these guys once and for all!"

"Christi!" Annie cried after her. Then all of a sudden everyone in our group had joined the chase. o.o

