Final Fantasy: Chakra Chaos

ok look......i know this might be going a little ahead in the story i started but i cant help it........i've been working on this idea for the longest time now and i finally finished it so here goes nothing!!!!!

A stomach turning shriek disturbed the peacefull night......It was my older sister, now sitting up straight in the bed beside mine. All I could see was the faint outlines of my sister's face in the dark, and hear the short breaths she was able to take in at the moment.

"Are you alright?" I asked already anticipating her answer.

"I'm fine Kaly......" she began " It was just another.....nightmare..." I swallowed hard, worried if my sister could sleep at all anymore tonight. She's been like this ever since I came back from my new home, Sunagakure to visit her and my parents, Kakashi and Kila Hatake too. Please don't think of me as if I abanded my familly to be with the one I love. What was I supposed to do? Gaara invited me to live with him in the land of the sand and of course I asked for my families permission first. At first my sister was a little always, but she soon accepted my leaving. You see ever since our family has been reunited, Christi's been a bit......protective over me. But now, I think it needs to be the other way around.

"The one with Sephoroth?" I wondered aloud. My sister snorted in slight amusement. "It's always the same one!"

I looked down depressed. We sat in silence for a while then: " It's no big deal. Go back to sleep emoto(little sister)" And she layed back down, but I knew she was still scared. I could feel the fear radiate off her. But nevertheless I leaned back against my pillow and drifted off to sleep.......


"NO WAY!" Naruto yelled at the top of his voice pointing at the fith hokage, " We're not doing that mission!"

The rest of his team, Sakura and Sasuke stood behind him and looked uneasy. Sakura of course was muttering something under her breath about Naruto being a thickhead and not knowing Tsunade's strengths. Lady fith was sitting in her chair, behind her desk outraged. She stared with a furious glare into Naruto's own.

All of a sudden, the door behind them all, burst open. "We're Back!" exclaimed a proud Christi.

"You're already done with your mission?" asked Sakura stunned. "What? It was no big deal really. All we had to do was take down an A-ranked criminal." stated Lynda with a completely straight face. Sakura's jaw immediatly dropped.

"Alright. Enough with the lounging around. Now to your next mission," Lady Tsunade said, "You are all asighned to infiltrate a criminal hideout somewhere East in the Land of Fire. Is that clear?"

Before anyone could reply, Christi rushed out of the room with such excitement and shouted down the hall: "ALRIGHT LET'S GO!!!!!"

