23 skidoo

And the results are in... (God I'm so corny)

So it looks like I'm going to be doing a bit everything, as per your requests, internet. Right now, the schedule looks like this:

  • Rants whenever I have something to rant about (about 3 times a week)
  • Stories/parts of stories every Friday
  • Music whenever I have it (who knows when that will be (maybe a few times a month))

Still, I'm going to make a habit of posting here every day, because that's just how I roll. And now I'm all out of things to say, so I do believe I'll head over to deviantart in order to fix that.

*goes to deviantart for 20 minutes*


Please note the anger. And the aggression. And the super-defensiveness that arises whenever somebody disagrees with her. And the girl who looks like glam-era David Bowie (wearing Green Day t-shirts). On a related note, be sure to take note of how she thinks she's a total HxC badass for listening to MCR, MSI, and Green Day and saying "fuck" a lot in the titles of her pictures. And that tagline! "I Am Hate Culture?" Seriously? Please also take note of the canon scenegirl taste: favorite artist=Andy Warhol, favorite writer=Edgar Allen Poe, favorite cartoon character=Betty Boop. And (you have to be kidding me) she lists her mp3 player of choice as "walkman." FUCKYEAR USING OUTMODED TECH FOR SCENE CRED!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

I wanted to find something funny but this is just depressing as all hell.

Dammit. American youth culture, I am dissappoint.

One more for the road.


Well, I'm starting to make it a habit to post here (which was my original intention, actually. So it's all good.), and I was wondering, internet, if there's anything you'd like me to do. Internet, I feel like I owe you a few favors. I mean, you supply me with image macros, mp3's, and porn, so I figure I should at least give something back to you. Just tell me what it is you want.

In other words: I've got some ideas about what kind of crap to post here. These ideas are:

  • Essays and rants in the style of what I posted last night.
  • Fiction. Not fanfiction. Just fiction.
  • More music.

And some other stuff that I thought of and can't remember right now. If you read this, please be so kind as to comment on it with your oppinion.

TL;DR - Comment and tell me what you want to see on this world.

And if you don't comment, I'll go whine in chat, threaten to leave forever, and then stick around anyway so I can continue whining about how being on this website is a waste of my time. SO YOU BETTER DO IT GAIZ.

An afterthought: speaking of last night's angry tirade, I read over it again and I don't even know what kind of mindset I was in... oh wait, yeah I do. I was really angry at the whole world because I had all my confidence destroyed in half an hour (probably less than half an hour), and I then spent another hour driving to nowhere in particular and screaming along to Minor Threat (link included for Manly. Some good noise right there.). I then returned home and had an existential crisis and wrote 4 really pathetic songs that will probably end up here in mp3 form at some time or another. And then I got online, went to deviantart and raged a bit there and came here to finish my rage up quite nicely. But anyway, you heard it hear first, internet: someone accidentally Cez's entire feelings. The whole goddamn thing. But everything worked out fine today (and I have no idea why).

A Profanity-laced Tirade for Your Enjoyment and Edification

You know what, internet? It's one in the goddamn morning and I'm not even tired. Let me tell you something, internet: you are way too angsty for your own good. I mean, look at these people. They go to bed thinking everything's fine. They wake up the next morning and they're on fire. What the hell kind of world is that? I'll tell you what kind, internet: an apathetic one. Not a bad one or an evil one or whatever shit you thirteen year olds are calling it these days. I swear, if I have to hear one more self-righteous ass go on in chat about the steady decline of the world from the Golden Utopialand™ that it once was to the horrible-place-it-is-now-where-bad-things-happen-to-good-people(namely me)-and-the-environment-is-slowly-corroding, I'm going to pull out some leet hax0rs, give myself modpowers and permaban every single one of them (just imagine that: the chat without angsty jaded teens. Oh, what a world!)(P.S. - I have no such leet hax0rs. I was only making my rage clear. No need to ban me for being a threat to security.). And fuck your, "I hate people," shit. I hear that way too much in the chat. Every 14 year old and their grandmother hates people. Woop-dee-fucking-doo. We get it, kids: people do awful things sometimes. We start wars and blah blah blah, but that doesn't mean humanity should be written off entirely. But back to my original point: the world isn't evil, it just doesn't care about you. You think it's evil, though. You believe it's evil with all your heart. Well, internet, let me tell you my theory about this phenomenon. You, internet, are extremely self-centered. You can't stand the fact that the Universe is completely apathetic to your existence, so you write it off as evil and languish about it in chatrooms to the agreement and sympathy of your fellow Angst Machines and the annoyance of anyone who's graduated from high school. Soon, a giant circlejerk develops, with emo corners and "I hate life"s galore. And then I stay up all night and write something like this because you angsters and all your ilk infuriate me, especially when I'm sleep deprived. So in conclusion: HEY EVERYTHING! FUCK YOU!! That's a little joke for all the acoustic guitars in the audience tonight. But seriously, you guys suck.

And now I wish I was more coherent so I could develop these ideas further. Oh well, a task for another day, I suppose.

Oh god oh man

I make one post, I get a few views and one comment on it, and my world ranking inexplicably jumps from 10000-and-something to somewhere around 500. This shit doesn't make any sense.

Also: I hate when I try to do something nice for someone and then they prevent me from doing it. I absolutely fucking despise it. What about you, internet?

Pic related: it's my face when I try to cancel my other plans and take my girlfriend on a date and she's all like, "NOOOO, go do that other thing," and I'm like, "But I'd rather go have dinner with you D:" and she's like, "But I want you to go do that other thing," and I'm like, "Okay, maybe we can do something tomorrow?" and she's like, "But I have to study for my history midterm," which I understand because she wants to keep her grades up, but still. What the hell, internet. What the hell.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I love her and we have a perfectly healthy relationship, but sometimes things like this frustrate me.

Now I know I'm brutal...

...because I'm listening to death metal. Confused? Prepare to be informed.

While browsing deviantart the other day, I stumbled upon this little gem: Dennis ft. Chelsea by saintdennis (Patron Saint of Bad Poets). I read it once. Then I read it again to make sure it wasn't a figment of my imagination, and I decided that it needed to be recorded.

Be warned: I am NOT a good singer, and the quality is really bad because it was recorded using a free computer program and a USB mic that has been laying on the floor of my bedroom for 6 months. And my guitar is missing a string. It's only a minute and a half long though, so it shouldn't be too painful. Plus, it's hilarious.

Download it here for the lulz.

P.S. - The genre is "folk-punk." Manly knows what I'm talkin' about.