Okay your probaly wondering wait there was a soul eater center right it isn't just me. Well i wanted a world were i can tell you about me since everyone else does i felt lonely lol. So will have fun don't worry it okay. Well any way you just enter in the random zone please stay cotined.

This is a video that me and my friends made its in a couple videos check it out there funny :3 you can skip most of it in this first ep.

Scatterd Flower Petals

(I'm bad at spelling but hope you enjoy my story) I sit down as I pick up a flower. I put in my hair and keep sitting in a park alone. But then I see a man. He sits next to me and I blush just by looking at him. "Hello, how are you today Mi...

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Video Games!!

Well i love video games but i don't have many lol my favriote kind is action or dancing(DDR) so whats your fav? okay i actually have a story well i was playing smash brawl and i was in the maze and i can't find my way out it annoying ...

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Romeo x Juliet

Okay thuis show really good it not all just girly there is some action
Well you should all know the orignal story
This is different Juliet is a princess and Romeo father tookthe kingdom
My mom says she hopes it end better then the orginal story

I'm happy I can watch it and don't have to PAY!


Just Friends??

Okay the guy who asked me decided he isn't ready which i understand sure but who could o said it after formal T.T o well he said he needs time to moture before he ready which i also think is sweet so lets hope when his ready he w...

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Finally I tryed Pocky and it was everything i thought would be it was good. Don't worry I'm not gloating I juast wanted to tell people who wanted to try it and was not sure if they would like it. If you don't like choclate then don't bye it ^w^