Welcome to the psychedelic rhapsody of my profile. Where you can join me in a game of chess and whiskey, and just waste your life away, or if that’s not your style why not a game of solitaire with macadamia nuts. Because humans could once fly, so let your dreams become your reality, and get lose of this world controlled by its tiny dots of light. And enter a world were materialistic views have no value, and teddy bears are cuddly to explosive proportions. But if that’s too much for your brain to handle, than try a mushroom and discovery the meaning of life. But hey, we all know that life is but a dream, where our comrades include the four legged and hairy variety, and your future is all that matters, provided your star is still shinning. So throw your money away on a pointless bet.

Stand Alone Individual

By now there seriously should be no need to say this but it seems that I obviously should cover my a** so as per usual abandon all concepts of what you believe reality is, this is just the way that I’m seeing the world. Yes I have just entered that chaos phase of my life yet again were I’m sleep deprived and stressed beyond any remotely healthy level.

I think I’ve finally figured it out, I’m always saying to abandon the teachings of society and step outside the box to look at life from a different perspective, but just like I discovered with the concept of love I think that was a naive notion. Because I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as reality. I’ve been like a broken record complaining about the way that adults believe that they have to label everything and that because everything is given a clear distinction that individuality is compromised. I am always mixing my idea’s with fact and fiction I use fictional characters and apply them to today’s society in order to make clear what I’m trying to say. But what if I’ve been wrong this entire time? What if there is no such distinction between fact and fiction? I’ve been spending my nights watching the GITS SAC series again and consequently become hooked on the idea of the ‘Stand Alone Complex’ and how it’s present in today’s society, along with the notions of individuality.

Ok for those of you who haven’t seen the Ghost In The Shell series the idea behind the Stand Alone Complex is very similar to that of copycat murders. People act out their own version from an idea that is presented to them, like the way with homicide they try to replicate the initial serial killers M.O. this almost ties in with what I was saying in my post about the Death Note novel, were by they idolise someone and try to be just like them by copying their idol as much as possible. But in the case of a Stand Alone Complex the copycats are following a fictional character whose existence is not actually proven.

When Death Note was at the height of it’s popularity around the world the online news sites were riddled with stories about people carrying their own death notes threatening those that did them harm, this wasn’t just limited to children in schools but even entered the military at one stage with a solider reportedly carry his own death note. It really hit a new level of hysteria when it was reported that in Belgium a torso was found with a note attached reading ‘I am Kira’ (although the absurdity of the situation was proven by the miss spelling in the note).
I find it amazing the way that these fans are described as being out of touch reality when obviously their victims were equally delusional. Think about it the people affected by these incidences were actually paranoid enough that they believe that a book obviously made by another human being could hold the power of a shinigami and bring them death if their name was written in the book.
At one point the manga was banned in countries because of it’s content and the fear it caused. It was a naive thought that simply banning the publication would stop people from reading the books. It’s not hard to find it online and by banning the books it only fuels people’s curiosity to read it. Its basically playing up the popularity even further, left alone its possible to consider that the popularity wouldn’t haven’t reached such heights it would have just been treated like the majority of other manga outside Japan only having a cult status rather then extreme global recognition. But hey were would the fun have been if that were the case?

But I must say the most laughable point of this entire incident has to be the author and artist that created this serious. They created this series intended for a children’s audience, but instead it insights world wide hysteria I’m amazed at the fact that these seeming intelligent men thought that a series that debates the justification of murder would be suited for children. Yes children are more intelligent and informed then adults would like to think but honestly what ever happened to innocence? In the judicial system being under 16 means that they have no concept of what is right or wrong, their brains are still developing so this is their time to learn, to obtain distinctions, eat more of the apple (sorry, sorry couldn’t help myself I’m a broken record after all).
It’s arguably possible to consider that they’re teaching children the justification of murder. It’s just an entertaining thought but imagine this, that within the next 5 year a real life Kira could be developed with the baby boomers being replaced as the major sector of the population with a mass of vidual anti’s. Instead of as it was in the manga with Kira being a single person, it will be a large group of people acting as the proxy god of society, a real life Stand Alone Complex.
In the GITS SAC series with the assassination attempt of a politician there are what’s to be thought of as numerous copycats. There were people that associated with the Laughing Man’s declaration and decided to act upon it.
So what’s to say that by exposing children to the idea of killing criminals in order to create a better world wont produce the same result?

Once Togasa says that art imitates life so why can’t the reverse happen?
The whole occurrence of the Death Note phenomenon just proves that it’s possible. But it got me thinking further that it’s not just the idea with the stand-alone complex where this is present. Art is constantly imitated by life children read books, and watch TV wanting to be like their hero’s; but it’s not just limited to children. People say that children are like sponges absorbing everything around them so you should be careful what you say around them because they are likely to repeat everything. But honestly adults are no different, the sponge effect never lessen no matter the person’s age, the brain and body may be fully developed but an adult is still a sponge, its just what they absorb is entirely different to what a child would. A child is learning everything anew they are learning to grow, but so are adults they are learning to fit into society, what is accepted, how to try to create a sense of self. Now this got me thinking further, in order to develop and secure a sense of self the end result is ultimately a contradiction. It’s just like with the members of the ‘Individual Eleven’ that commit suicide.

So leading on from that thought I’ve suggested numerous times that our supposed reality is ruled by illusions. But then how is the individual developed? Isn’t everything just fluid, emotions, memories, physically, psychologically everything can be changed there is nothing absolute.

The idea’s in GITS were by everything can be manipulated. Prosthetics makes it easy to change ones appearance and gender, the use of the cyber brains mean that people memories can be easily manipulated by others and so on. But honestly is there really any difference to what life is like today? In both money and/or expertises is needed to carry out the manipulation but honestly the only difference between the world in GITS and the world we live in is all the technical computer technology. Its understandable to consider that everything in this world is fluid, a women can get a sex change to become a man or vice versus, plastic surgery means that people can manipulate there looks.
What about our memories? Those are not definite either there’s a reason why eye witness accounts generally don’t hold up in court, even when 5 people are shown the exact same thing, chances are that none of them will give the exact same report. Then you have the whole idea that emotions affect everything. You may see something then after some time if you are exposed to new experiences that have a direct connection with what you previously seen then you will look at the exact same situation differently, what you first looked at with contempt you may now look at with passion. It’s that easy to manipulate, then you have the cases were the memories following the concept of brain hacking are modified directly by another person. Come on people ever heard of brain washing?
There have been reports that confessions in murder cases have been developed by the person being told repeatedly that they committed that crime even though they may not have. The physical and mental exhaustion the person is being subjected to in conjunctions with being repeatedly told they performed the actions stresses the brain to the point where by they begin to believe that they did what they are being told ultimately creating the scenario in their head as a memory.

So looking at it from that perspective is there really anything in this world that is absolute? How is it possible to distinguish the individual? How is fact or fiction determined?

Ok so we have science and mathematics suppose they are the only truths, but they were created by humans they are only truths because we say that they are truths.
The tachikoma’s suggest that 0 for them is like death for human because it is absolute but what’s to say that 0 is final? We have negative figures after that; even with death there is the suggestion of reincarnation or heaven. Different religions and cultures have different beliefs in death, there’s nothing that says its all final or absolute. The soul or spirit can enter a cycle of reincarnation just like the body. The body can be used to support to numerous other life forms so really it’s just apart of a cycle itself. This is all dependant on peoples beliefs again therefore further enhancing my notion that life itself is fluid so how can we distinguish reality from illusion?

Right now back to the development of the individual and the security of the sense of self. If illusion and reality can’t be distinguished and everything can be easily manipulated, then isn’t the pursuit of individuality always going to be fruitless? I mentioned earlier that both adults and children are sponges just because the brain has finished developing doesn’t mean an adult doesn’t still absorb information that will influence them. So the further they go through life and the more information that they absorb the more they will be influence by everything around them. Therefore aren’t they ultimately taking on other peoples and things characteristics inturn getting further away from their goal of achieving individuality? Their originality of their self is being gradually decreased, along with their reality. Because the information they are absorbing is from everything they witness, reading books, watching TV, listening to the radio, these forms of media that whether they carry fictional or factual characters are influencing people just as I talked about before with the Death Note manga.

Ok if you’ve made it this far then just bare with yet another broken record moment for a minute. I’ve talked about if a person was isolated from societies standards not allowed to consume any of the apple of logic (as Salinger suggested with Teddy and Seymour) would it be possible that they could unlearn the illusionary difference? They wouldn’t hold expectation of sexes or anything. But if you were to take that one step further and entirely isolate it from the very beginning (theoretically only, because its impossible to actually do this) with absolutely no opportunity to absorb information would it then be possible that an individual would be created? And that something absolute would be developed?

Delusional Victims

When I hear people say that Women are from Mars and Men are from Venus it always makes me wonder what planet I could possibly be from, am I from some minor planet situated between the two? Other then anatomically there’s really nothing feminine about me, yes I’m attracted to men but at the same time I think just like a man. So the other day when I found a book called ‘Catfight – Why Women Compete With Each Other’ I thought I’d finally found my answer, someone who had the same kind of mind as me and could therefore explain all this supposedly natural female behaviour that was just plane weird to me. Well it turned out to be just like ‘Are Men Necessary?’ although this time instead of holding greater contempt towards the dating world I now can’t help but think of women as not only a different species but as lower too. I was about 3 pages into the Introduction when I was struck with a major ‘HUH?’ none of what they were saying was making any type of sense to me, and as I read on it only got worse. The way this book describes the average women’s life it’s like they must sit up for hours at night making out a mental battle plan on how they are going to survive confrontations with the enemy which ironically is every single women they meet with no exception.

If this book is anything to go by women are so simple minded and insecure that the idea of perseverance would never cross their mind. If they are not prefect at something the only explanation is they are being sabotaged by other more successful women around them that were just born gifts from the gods. Through out the book they talk about how because of the sexist treatment of women through out history they should have developed a type of comradely because they all share this common battle, but instead they see each other as enemies and feel that they have no choice but to battle alone, as the victims they are. (It’s easy to tell that at this point nothing could have possibly annoyed me more.)

You have two extremes of the victim the ones that are down trodden no matter how much they try to succeed at being perfect like the other women around them. Or you have the powerful women that succeed in not only perfection but also breaks free from male superiority. BUT! Are constantly challenged by those around her so she feels a need to maintain a constant and tiring façade of perfection. In the end it all basically comes down to one thing were by you can’t help but think that these women are delusional as they seem to believe that the entire world revolves specifically around them.

The women that seem to think they can never gain success look at everyone who is not only better then them in fashion, beauty and career as their enemy but as if to rub salt into the wound think they have it constantly shoved in their faces. They see a beautiful women and are envious of her even in the case of friends they will only maintain long term relationships with those they know will envy them and then to these fiends they will purposely go out of there way to prove that they are better, buy stealing unattainable men. Apparently its an act of superiority it gives them reassurance of their value while at the same time devaluing those around them (double win).
Then you have the powerful women that either constantly bullies or is bullied by those under them. Because they feel that the women below them are resentful of their position. They are rumoured to have slept their way to the top. There is no recognition of their hard work. They are just another victim of their strengths.
With these groups of women they don’t even try to comfort each other because god forbid that there is another women out there suffering the same as they are. They have to be the worst possible victim either suffering because of those above them or those below them. It’s like creating a bubble of perfection, the perfect victim.

At this point I can almost understand why women have made very little advancements in their social order over the years. Whether its conscious or subconscious you can’t help but think even with all the feminist movements women are nothing but delusional, vindictive and paranoid bitches with few exceptions. They say that men have ego problems but as far as I can see these women take this to a whole new level with the way they possess an inability to distinguish friend from foe, in their quest to prove that they suffer the most.

Welcome to Whammy House

Ultimately our lives are shaped by those that we look up to, we find a person and we shape ourselves to be just like them. We want to be our heroes but at some point we get to the stage were by being just like them isn’t enough we crave individuality, success and recognition we want to be better then our idol we want to achieve a greatness that only we can, and be recognised as an entirely separate entity. I recently read the new Death Note novel ‘ Another Note – The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases.’ The story is told by Mellow about a battle between L and B.
In it B was raised as an exact copy of L, because of Watari’s need to create a back up of L just like you would with a computer program. The whole idea of Whammy House was to create a copy of L because he is guineas. In the novel it said that this ultimately drove B insane and even when he tried to break free he was denied that as well. But what’s to say that he was insane?

Just abandon this pre-conception of what is sane and insane for a second. The environment that B was raised in is nothing like that of a normal family, even a dysfunctional family shows no resemblance to how he grew up. He was an experiment. Ultimately his environment was like that of a rat being raised and conditioned to run a maze as fast as possible and reach that piece of cheese at the end before it gets an electric shock. His intelligence was the only thing that was nurtured, he wasn’t abused in the sense that we are familiar with. The type of abuse that he faced was a psychological conditioning that individuality was irrelevant and all that was needed was for him to be like his idol. This is here the distortion in reality become present, Mellow mentions that L wasn’t exactly their idol but more so their god, he was that unattainable being that they all wanted to be but knew that no matter what they could not reach.

In the Arian order people (specifically white people) were considered the only organisms that were capable of pain. Vet’s and scientist performed brutal experiments on animals under the assumption that they were unable to feel pain. I once read a text about a monk that scolded a nun because she cried when he kicked a pregnant dog. This is a relatively similar concept to the environment that has been created within the idea of Whammy House. Although instead, children are being raised without the consideration that they require validation or at the very least recognition of their individuality. L was their like their God as much as he was their demon they wanted to be like him, but they couldn’t surpass him they were being raised within a closed environment and ultimately this is what lead to the B.B murder’s. Taking this environment into consideration there was nothing insane about Beyond Birthday’s actions. He was raised knowing that L was the greatest detective alive; his admiration grew until it was no longer able to fit in its cage. He grew up, he wanted to be better then L he wanted the recognition of his individuailty he didn’t want to just live in L’s shadow any longer he wanted an identity of his own. It’s just like the way a son who constantly lives in his father’s shadow in the business world will strive to create his own image have people recognise his work for itself not as a sub-product of his father. B knew that there was no way that he could solve a case that L couldn’t because there was nothing out there worthy of defeating him so that is why he himself had to create that case that L could not solve.
Yes he took innocent lives, but I’ve talked about this before. Students are trained like dog’s in schools they are robbed of their individuality, by being told how to act, what to wear, told how the world runs and not to question it. Those that are intelligent and have no problems with conforming are able to cope with this because their intelligence allows them to achieve recognition. But what about those that aren’t smart they are just considered another face in the crowd, not distinguished. The frustration of this slowly builds up and consumes them. They crave something that they know they are told they never have, but there is a type of light at the end of this tunnel. They will become determined to make them realise that they have their own worth and look at them the way that they have craved.
What is the one thing we see scrolled across every source of media every hour of every day?

B.B strikes me as someone suffering similar, he had the intelligence but it was seen as something that was only to be used in the purpose of creating a copy of the already perfect product. They ignored this individuality. Basically this lead to him wanting to be better then L, to have his state of recognition as an individual, he was intelligent he had conformed what else could he do? He started the killings and ultimate plan for suicide of achieving this.
He wasn’t insane; he was just taking part in a basic instinct. He wanted to justify his existence just as everyone does. His extreme methods came about as a result of the extreme situation that he was trapped in. This wasn’t as simple as dying your hair blue so you can stand out. His entire life had been shaped to fulfil one purpose.

So think about it now, the answer to that question was blatantly obvious. Violent acts. Every culture in the world recognises violence not matter the form and the more violent the act the greater recognition. Basically violence is becoming the mainstream way of the outcasts and unintelligent to achieve recognition. But on the other hand you have those like B who are intelligent and have conformed but want more they want is to achieve a higher status. By creating crimes that no one can solve they are almost becoming a proxy god, controlling life and death. Ultimately our society is it’s own real life Whammy House but instead of raising children to be a copy of the greatest guineas and ultimately denying their individuality we are creating an environment were violence is supreme.
So tell me now how are we suppose to distinguish insanity when this is the environment that society has created and is now ruling our reality.

The keys to reality are in popular fiction

Ok so we all know that Cowboy Bebop is my all time favourite anime one of my broken record statements and one of the things that I love best about it is the way episodes have these clever statements against society. I’ve compared all my other series to this and I always come back to the fact that it seems to only be anime directors that will confront their audience with a sense of reality.

But what happens when the director doesn’t sugar coat anything? They give you the raw contents of today’s issues that plague our news every night? I was reading an article in a magazine about the evolution of horror films. The author of the article was talking about how when he was a teenager he would sit up watching ‘B-grade’ horror films laughing hysterically at the absurdity of each scenario but now he finds himself walking out of a modern horror film feeling disgusted in himself how could he possibly have just sat through that. The way that he seen it was that society is becoming more desensitised towards violence and therefore the directors think its necessary to create horror films that are more realistic that will actually scare the audience.
I get that purpose of a horror film is to scare the person but why is that these modern horror films seem to be less about the initial impact, giving the audience a quick scare and more about inflicting psychological damage on its audience.
I think that anime is starting to take a similar direction, but rather then the over use of vomit worthy violence they are hitting us with every day social issues that although we see them every night on the news we don’t fully comprehend the severity. Think about it this way ‘Cowboy Bebop’ used ‘Perrie Le Fou’, GITS SAC had ‘Jungle Cruise’, the ‘Laughing Man’ and ‘The Individual Eleven’, then there is ‘Death Note’ as time has gone on anime’s have focused more on their statements against society, and each one has intensified its level of violence in an effort to make their point. They have left their fans debating the ethics behind each series applying it to their own lives but what happens when you end up like the old fashioned horror fans and finish an episode disgusted in yourself for having just sat through that?

Recently I started watching ‘Black Lagoon’ a series which level of popularity is relatively minor compared to the other series I’ve mentioned. Most episodes I find myself glued to the screen with my mouth open I mean it’s been years since I’ve seen such intense action, but at the same time I find myself absolutely hating the series Revy annoys me to no end she is suppose to be the indestructible women that is practically the ultimate killing machine the way her eyes glaze over with a pure killing intent that can’t be stopped. But then she is constantly preaching to ‘Rock’ about how he knows nothing about hardships, about compared to her childhood he has the perfect life living like royalty, and that without her around he would die (I think those episodes were she was unconscious were a godsend). Although when ‘Rock’ confronts her and actually encourages (lets face he was just saying what we were all thinking) her to shot him pulling the barrel to his temple she can’t handle it, being confronted buy a form of purity is so unnerving for her she repeatedly tries to get him removed from the team because he scares her. She reminds me of what I said in a post last year about how people always think they’re so strong and have this annoying urge to make everyone like themselves when in reality they themselves are weak. ‘Rock’ knows his different he knows that he can never begin to understand what Revy has been through but he holds no desire to change her, I love that about his character. Another thing that I like about Rock’s character is that as far as I’ve seen he has not lost that level of purity he still tries to sympathise with people, he doesn’t look down on anyone no matter what the situation, he attempts to understand them and admits opening that sometimes he can’t but he never tries to change them and never tries to preach to them he is accepting no matter what.

But to the real point of this post, sorry I got carried away and lost my train of thought again. The episode ‘Bloodsport Fairy Tale’ was aired last week it had these two children that were killing members of the different mafia groups in the town mostly targeting the Russian Mafia. The children were dressed in these perfect gothic Lolita clothes, one wielded an axe and the other a machine gun, again they were perfect killing machines having no mercy. But while they were undertaking these gruesome missions they would have this cute and innocent laugh like children playing. Honestly nothing disturbs me more then watching a show were a child will kill someone and laugh about it, I normally change the channel but against my better judgement I decided to watch this. Well their killing spree continued and during the next episode you actually found out what corrupted their innocence leading them to follow the belief ‘kill or be killed’ it was horrific all because it had such a real feeling to it. This wasn’t some kind of fiction that you’d never hear of happening, this was a story taken directly from the news headlines and twisted into a supposedly fictional piece.
This could be called the ultimate statement against society, exactly what I’ve been looking for in all the anime’s I’ve previously watched but ironically its not, its just like those horror films there’s nothing fictional about it there’s no sugar coating its all real it’s the raw version of what you see on your news every night its confronting you with a fact of the absolutely disgusting society that we live in. It made me realise how not only am I ignorant but I’m probably no different from the society I can’t stand. I know that this sort of thing is happening hell how could I not its on the news every night but I change the channel, forget about it and move on, just like everyone else. So has it come to a point where they actually need to put this kind of thing in forms of popular entertainment in order for people to face it? Is the only way for people to actually face reality?
We hear about it comment on it and then move on because ultimately it doesn’t directly affect us but take it and put it in a fictional show and that’s a totally different story. Why? Because we use fiction to escape reality, but that’s no longer an available option. Is this because our society degraded to a point were we have to try to return it to its original candy colour or is it that social acceptability isn’t the ruling agent? No longer are things being swept under the carpet because its not proper to talk about them, we have to do something at all cost.

Over Exposure to Shoujo

It’s summer again and subconsciously I have yet again submerged myself in shoujo, I swear to the gods it’s like one of those silent scream moments were you wake up one morning feeling like you have a hang over because you were up until 4 am watching ‘Skip Beat’ and then you trip over a pile of shoujo beat and you finally realise that you’ve officially crossed that line of femineity and are a female in both mind and body now. But never fear a week of hardcore horror, and panty flash filled shoen and I have finally become the same cynical b**ch you all know.

Ok so it’s not exactly to that extreme but I’ve been on holidays from work for nearly 2 weeks now and my friend went home to his family which left me with nothing but absolute boredom hence I’ve been reading ‘Paradise Kiss’, ‘Crimson Hero’ and ‘Skip Beat’, while also watching ‘Revolutionary Girl Utena’, ‘Skip Beat’ and ‘Paradise Kiss’. It was about this time last year that I got hooked on ‘NANA’ and when I started accepting that maybe love might exist in reality if it was the same as portrayed by Ren and Nana. Well I’ve gotten hooked on yet another Ai Yazawa series. I love ‘Paradise Kiss’ a thousands times more then ‘NANA’ but there are things that just really bug me about the series and yes it has to do with the subject of love *broken record* but honestly how can one person create such opposing types or stories?

George and Yukari are almost the opposite of what Ren and Nana are. George seems to constantly push his ideals onto Yukari he says he wants an independent women and doesn’t want her to always be complaining and accept responsibility for her actions. It’s obvious that all of this stems from his growing up with a highly dependent alcoholic mother who unintentionally and selfishly blames George for her life turning out the way it did. She tries to make it clear that she loves him and has no regrets but even so what she previously says without thinking has already influenced him. Yes he is an adult and relatively mature but no matter how old you are to have that sort of thing said to you will emotionally impact you. As a result of this George has created his own perception of the ideal women without taking into consideration reality and the pressure that he puts on Yukari.

Yukari is an 18-year-old girl who has never experienced love because she has lived her entire life trying to achieve the expectations of her parents. She has intentionally deprived herself from experiencing the natural life of a teenage girl. Therefore it is only expected that when she falls in love and actually receives attention from the other person for the first time that she would be relatively clumsy,
George doesn’t even seems to take this into consideration like he believes that she should be absolutely perfect from the start he leaves her absolutely no room for error acting contradictory and being selfish himself. He says to Yukari that she never calls him, yet he also doesn’t want a girl friend that always clings to him, he always uses her as an excuse to keep her at a distance. This is were you see how George himself is still extremely emotionally immature to the point that he constantly scolds Yukari for not living up to his expectations. He wants her to stay with him, he says that he loves her but at the same time he is trying to turn her into something that is contradictory to what he actually craves. Ultimate he is dependent on her but he doesn’t want her to be dependant on him. Making her always afraid that he will hate her because she can’t be exactly what he wants, ultimately portraying her weak side as she is almost like a dog wanting to please it’s mater rather then a women of independent thought, another exact contradiction to what she is attempting to achieve, basically she has transferred her craving for acceptance from her parents to George.
Ok so I know I’m all for breaking away from stereotypes and that the women shouldn’t always have to rely on the man and that not all women are weak and need a man to support them, but at the same time I think that the relationship should have a level of reliance from both parties that works in with both their expectations. Why is it that George wants her to be there for him when he wont do anything for her? Isn’t that ultimately the same as saying that she should only rely on him? It’s creating an imbalanced relationship where by the women still losses out because she has to live up to the male’s expectations while abandoning her own. That’s the difference between ‘NANA’ and ‘Paradise Kiss’, in ‘NANA’ yes Ren was dependant on Nana but he gave her freedom, he let her make her own choices and live her life, while at the same time letting her know that he needed her. I guess in a way that would make Nana come across as selfish because she did chose herself over Ren. But Ren accepted that he didn’t throw it back at her, he simply moved on. He never played the kind of mind games that George plays with Yukari. Things are straight and upfront.

I’ve only watched the first 7 and a half episodes of ‘Paradise Kiss’ but I guess the over all outcome or what I’m trying to say is that no matter how you look at it a love like Ren’s and Nana’s is entirely isolated to that series it can’t be repeated in either reality or fiction because that type of love doesn’t exist, there will always be a persons weakness and expectations that will ultimate ruin any level of purity, that is just the way things are. So it’s time to stop living in a fantasy world and just accept it.