Life Update

It's definitely been a while since I posted....uuumm.. let's see I've been in a bit of a personal slump lately. I get motivated for a day it feels like and then lose focus for a week! I've had a lot of stuff going on lately though that's been needing attention. I got my vaccine so that took me down for a couple days. First shot made me super sore in the arm and a little queasy for a day. Second shot gave me a fever and bad insomnia...which I already have so not sure I can blame that on the shot... Other than that I started watching The Saint's Magic is Omnipotent and I love it! It's a good combination of serious and comedy. The characters are just so easy to like or dislike (ok I know I'm suppose to understand one character is just acting the "jerk", but I still don't like him!). Gearing up for Deviant arts summer secret Santa. I had some mix ups when getting assigned to a person, but I think we got it all sorted out! I've been wanting to redraw some of my old characters, but then new characters start trying to crowd for room in my head. Loki so far has been the only old character I've managed to do at this point. I started on the other, but I didn't really feel satisfied with it so I think I'm going to try again. Created Rin and I'm so happy I went with the water lily motif for her character/outfit! Color wise I'm aesthetically pleased. Also started reading the manga for The Case Study of Vanitas. I love the artwork and the story so far! I'm on volume 4 and the story is definitely one that sucks you in. I have to fight the impulse on the thrilling parts to not skip ahead a bit to see how things turn out. Does anyone else do that? randomly flip ahead a bit to make sure things are "ok" then go back and read the bit you skipped. I honestly have no idea why I do this, but it's a bad habit. I think it might be because I predict it's going to go one way and I want to know if I'm right or not. I am one of those people when watching something with someone whose already seen it asks "Oh I bet so and so does this and ends up being this huh?" It makes my husband crazy when watching movies or shows with me and I guess the plot. I've also decided after reading this last bit that I am rambling which is not surprising as it is quickly approaching midnight!! So until next time enjoy good food, good manga/anime, and making good art!
