Randomly Generated Mew Mews: Get Em' While They're Hot!

Randomly Generated Mew Mews: Get Em' While They're Hot!

Hello, Everyone!

I’ve created a Mew Mew Generator!

It’s based on data from the multiple ‘Mew Guides’ that exist, such as Licorice’s infamous Guide to the Common Fanmew.

The generator’s main purpose is for amusement, but if you want to use a concept it creates for yourself, feel free. I’d love to see what you come up with!

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Please Note:

♥ The generator isn’t perfect; you may get some conflicting results every now and then.

♥ The outfit styles are very basic, the armbands and choker aren’t mentioned because every Mew Mew has them.

♥ The five color palette you get for your character’s color scheme is meant to be used in the following sequence:

First Color: Main Outfit Color
Second Color: Outfit Trim Color
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Colors: Outfit Accents or Hair/Eye Color

♥ If your male Mew Mew ends up wearing a dress or skirt, feel free to adapt or change this concept any way you like.

♥ I’m not responsible if your character’s name is the same as someone else’s. I simply put a list of common food items into the generator, as I did the ages, attacks and animals.

♥ I’m not responsible for a lousy weapon accuracy rating. I simply put this feature in to even the odds and make it less likely that your character will end up being a Mary Sue or Gary Stu.

♥ For the attack, you’ll only get one word. Simply place you character’s name and the word Ribbon or Reborn [both are correct] into the mix and you’ll get something like Ribbon Lettuce Rush.

♥ Not all of the animals are endangered. If you get one that isn’t, feel free to change it.

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That’s everything! I hope you enjoy playing with the generator~!
