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Hi! My name is K.D., although most online know me as misachan83. I'm 32, and am an author and anime lover. Welcome to the shadows of my creative and sometimes odd mind

Life in general I guess

Wow, it's been a while since I've really posted on here. I guess you could say that life's been in the way a lot lately, although I've tried staying active with the things I like to do. It's been rough though. My husband and son were sick for a few days with the stomach flu recently, not to mention I've been suffering more from a major depressive episode. It's been hard to get by, but I'm somehow still managing (and keeping my head just above water).

Anyway, on a positive note, I made an FB page for my art and wallpapers recently with the same title as this world. If you're interested in checking it out, the link is here. I just wanted to do it for me. Not only is it another place to post my work (although I love having it here too), but I also want to use it to talk at times about my life with mental illness too. Don't know how well it will go, but I guess we'll see.

Anyway, hope everyone has had a good year so far. Hopefully I'll also be able to get out of my little funk and be more active with my own wallpapers and art here soon.
