He's so cute! He's so fluffy! He's Giol!

Yeah, that's his name. And he's a rabbit. Some sort of miniflop... I think. I got him from the humane society so his heritage is rather vague. I know he's a little over a year old, that he's very sincerely male, and licks himself in places probably best not mentioned.

He also doesn't photograph very well. Hey, you try taking a picture of something that moves that fast.

I love my little friend! *cuddles*

Giol Likes His Applesauce

I discovered that feeding Giol applesauce by putting it on my finger and presenting it to him is not a good idea.

Little guy just about took my finger off.

So I came up with another idea.

He seems to like it. A lot. He prefers that I hold the cup while he eats out of it, though. If I let go he usually loses interest. No idea why.

Also makes me wonder what'd happen if he got his paws on a jar of applesauce.

My bunny is on video!

I got the digital camera! I made a video of my bunny!

Yeah, it's kinda dark. A lot of that is because he stuck his nose right in the lens!

He's such a little stinker.

Bunny gets a trim

Giol doesn't like me right now. I had him get his nails trimmed.

Usually I trim his nails myself, but it takes all afternoon. First I have to catch him, and he always seems to know when I want to trim his nails. Then I have to find a claw and snip it. Usually he starts struggling and escapes. So I have to catch him again. That can get tricky since he has so many safe little holes that he can crawl into. Ever try extracting a rabbit from under a dresser?

Repeat this cycle for all 20 claws.

Takes. All. Afternoon.

So I brought him to the pet store to get trimmed. He didn't like that either.

Not that I can blame him. "I... I smell predators! Strange woman holding me! No! Don't touch my feet! Help! Mommy!"

Poor little guy. But his claws really do need trimming once in a while. Wish I had a way for him to wear them down the same as a wild bunny would.

Day at the lake.

Well, actually early evening at the lake. I took Giol for a walk yesterday and I think he had fun. I know I did.

First off, I tried to see if he'd enjoying playground equipment. No dice. He much preferred areas where he could sit and munch grass and clover.

There was a birthday party involving a bunch of kindergarten-age boys. They liked the bunny but were much too active to stick around long enough to bother him much.

Look! Bunny! Look! Play equipment! *vanish*

A very nice lady was walking her dog there, too. She expressed the opinion that Giol was the cutest thing ever. I agree with her. Her dog seemed very interested in Giol, too. Giol ignored the dog for a while. The lady thought the dog might be getting too close, so she led him around the other side of the tree Giol was lounging under. Unfortunately, the movement must've seemed like a stalking pattern to Giol and as soon as the dog reappeared Giol was... not where he had been.

He was, in fact, at the furthest end of the leash trying to run away from the dog. If he'd been much larger I'd have been dragged across the park. So a note, Giol does not like dogs. (At least not dogs several times his size.)

Rabbits move very fast, did you know that?

Giol, "I'm running as fast as I can! Why aren't I going anywhere! Help!"

Another thing I learned. Giol does not like water. I kinda suspected as much from his reaction when his water bottle leaked into his carrier. Also, there's the fact that most rabbits, like cats, loath and despise getting wet. There are exceptions, however, and I wanted to find out if I had one of those exceptions.


Giol, "You got me wet. I don't like you." *flick**flick*

He likes me today, for which I'm thankful.

Is he lonely?

I sometimes wonder if Giol is lonely. I keep reading about how bunnies do better when they have another bunny to keep them company.

But where the heck would I put another rabbit? I have a tiny little efficiency apartment. Not to mention how long it took me to get Giol trained to use the litter box and all that.

And I don't even know how Giol would react to another rabbit. He's been months without one. What if he gets territorial? What if the other rabbit bullies him?

And how would I pay for another rabbit? I'm not exactly rolling in cash.

More on the happy side, I ordered a digital camera. Yay! I can take pictures of my little buddy!