Crazy day!!

Hey Guys,

My luck was really down today. My van didn't come, but instead of going back home, I borrowed some money from a girl and changed two buses to college in extreme traffic jam! :P

When I reached college we learned that the teachers were on a strike, because a teacher of another college had been killed yesterday and wouldn't take classes. But still, we had our English class...I spent the rest of the day goofing around with my friend. Apparently, we talk about really disgusting things! xD

My brother came to pick me up ay dispersal. After a 45 minute walk we finally got a bus! But I had to to stand the whole way.:P So, in short, we reached home in 1 and a half hour!

Ugh, and I also have a test tomorrow, I'm so tired I don't feel like preapring. After all, it's my most loathed subject!

Gotta go now, guys, tc, bye!

P.S: Yuki-sama, I has found an image for you! xD
