

I awoke as soon as the sun set. Regan was gone, and Jessica was still asleep. Her head was resting on my shoulder. I smiled. I had been alone and now to have someone with me...who actually cares about me. It was a nice feeling. I looked outside. It was raining. Lovely. Thunder sounded loudly and Jessica's eyes flew open. Her face turned red when she saw she was leaning on me. I smiled. "Good evening." Her face turned more red. I chuckled. She was so cute. "Well...I have no problem walking in the rain...however you're another story. I don't want you getting sick. I don't think it's going to last long. When it's over we'll move on." She nodded. I turned and watched the rain. I loved the rain. It was so peaceful. Before I knew it I was humming. I noticed Jessica listening and I felt my face redden a bit. She giggled. "I didn't know vampire's could blush." I smiled. "Only cause I drank some of your blood yesterday. It's kind of like a side effect. It makes me look more...alive? I guess. It will fade soon though so enjoy it while it lasts." I began to hum some more. Too bad it wasn't always peaceful like this. Reality is bound to come crashing in sooner or later.
