

Sleeping was something I was happy I could still do. Dreams...they made me feel...human. I'm sure there weren't many other vampires out there who felt the same. Many of them enjoyed being monsters. Killing. Drinking blood. Today my dream was bad though. I drempt that I could not move, and I had to watch as Jessica was drained dry right in front of me. I could feel her fear. Her eyes wide and locked on me pleading for help...but I could not move. I awoke with a jump to realize her fear was real. My eyes narrowed. Did that female not keep her word?! I was always a bit slow during the day...and very irritable after waking up. Especially when I am awakened early after a nightmare. When I got to the front of the cave I saw Jessica holding a cat. She turned towards me and pointed. "S..she said she wouldn't hurt me, but then she collapsed!" I coves my eyes as I looked out of the cave. It was a nice bright sunny day. F*ck me sideways. She was laying out there right in the light. She must be old indeed to have not burned up yet. I sighed. "Well...I can't leave her out there." Maybe if I ran it would hurt less...? I started to head out, but Jessica grabed my hand. "W..won't it hurt you?" I nodded. "Yes but she will die if she stays there." Jessica still held my hand. "I...I could go." I shook my head. "It's dangerous. She being injured like that may try to drink your blood in order to heal. Most vamps lose it when they're like that." It would be too much like my dream. She handed me a blanket. I smiled. It would be much netter than what I was wearing...or not wearing. I wrapped it over my head and ran out into the sun. I refused to cry out in pain as the light hit me. I grabbed the female and drug her back into the cave. I was panting when I collapsed against the cool wall. Jessica ran over to me. She removed the blanket and gasped. Everywhere the light had hit had turned black and burnt. The side of my face, my neck, my fingers, and my stomach. "I thought you said light didn't hurt you too bad..." I smiled. "On cloudy days....hehe." I looked at the female. She didn't seem to be hurt too bad. I sighed and closed my eyes. My body was screaming. There was no way I could go back to the spot I had found before. Oh well. If I was here I could keep an eye on the female. Looks like I wasn't getting any sleep today...
