Darren Nada Profile

Name: Darren Nada
age: 19
Gender: Male
Race (Vampire or human): human
Looks: 5’11”, 145lbs, fair skin tone, medium length messy black, with orange eyes,
Outfit: Black long sleeve shirt, blue Jeans, white and blue shoes, wears black fingerless gloves, and usually has a switch blade in his front left pocket.
Gifts (If human): Teleportation (like in jumper)
Back story: When his village was attacked during the first wave of vampires him and his family were running for safety and his younger sister fell as a vampire was chasing them. He managed to get his sister out of the way in time and started running as well but the vampire caught his leg and pulled him down. The vampire managed to bite him on his calf then one of the men in the village killed the vampire. The man helped Darren get back to the safe zone but his leg was in no condition to go back and look for survivors.
Image: (I will draw him later
