
Hollow evolution

Menos (メノス, menosu,Spanish for "minus" or "less")are hollows which have an unusually strong thirst for souls,which they gather together and then consume other hollows and evolve into a stronger state of being.Within the menos, there are three levels of evolution, each with superior strength, speed, and intelligence compared to its previous form. The first of these is the gillian (最下大虚(ギリアン), girian, Japanese for "least of the great hollows"), which is large and powerful, but possesses very little intelligence and no individuality as result of the merging of hundreds of hollows. If one of the hollows that now make up the gillian retains its consciousness, that consciousness takes over, and the gillian can continue to eat other hollows (including other Menos) and eventually evolve into an adjuchas (中級大虚(アジューカス), ajūkasu, Japanese for "intermediate great hollow"). Adjuchas act as leaders for groups of gillians, but if an adjuchas stops eating hollows, it will eventually go back in evolution, turning into gillian once again, permanently. From the adjuchas state, some have the potential to evolve into vasto lorde (最上大虚(ヴァストローデ), vasuto rōde, Japanese for "great king of the hollows", Spanish for "vast", pseudo-Spanish "lord"). Vasto lorde are more humanoid in size and appearance and possess battle strength comparable or superior to a Soul Reaper captain, to the point where captain Tōshirō Hitsugaya speculates that Soul Society would be doomed if Sōsuke Aizen managed to get ten vasto lorde under his command.


Each Bleach human character consists of a body animated by a spirit identical in appearance. In the unusual event that a spirit is separated from his or her living body, it is possible to see a connective structure known as the chain of fate (因果の鎖, inga no kusari), which attaches the spirit to its body and allows it to return to it.When a human dies or the chain of fate is broken by force, the spirit cannot come back and becomes known as a plus (whole in the English translation). If the plus has many regrets, or strong emotional connections to a location, object, person, etc. he/she becomes attached to that location, object, person, etc. by the chain of fate. After some time, his/her emotions will eventually corrupt and gain control over the soul, which transforms into a hollow. Additionally, a broken chain of fate can eventually corrode completely, which also leads to the transformation into a hollow. It is also possible for a spirit to use his/her abilities as a Soul Reaper to avoid turning into a hollow, instead becoming a visored.
Once a plus becomes a hollow, it gains a monster-like appearance, a skull-like mask, a large hole somewhere through its body, and an animalistic level of intelligence. Hollows crave other human souls, living or dead, to eat in an attempt to fill the void left in their hearts, starting with the souls of the people that they had loved the most in their past lives.$ Additionally, some hollows consume other hollows, eventually evolving into menos. The hollows reside in the desert world of Hueco Mundo when not scouring the human world for souls to consume.
As hollows evolve, they gain access to unique skills and abilities, fueled by the souls they have consumed. The most common of these abilities is cero (虚閃(セロ), sero, Japanese for "hollow flash," Spanish for "zero," called "doom blast" in the Viz manga), a high-powered energy blast that can be fired from various body parts, such as the mouth or hand. If a hollow has its mask removed, it becomes an arrancar, and gains additional abilities and a more humanoid appearance.
There are two main duties of the Soul Reapers when dealing with hollows: to perform a ritual known as a soul burial (魂葬 (こんそう), konsō) on pluses before they become hollows, and to slay hollows to purify their souls of all sins committed while in that form, so that they become pluses once again. When either of these duties are fulfilled, the plus goes to Soul Society.


Soul Reapers are departed human souls that have gained supernatural powers. Soul Reapers can only be seen by other spiritually aware entities, which excludes most humans. Additionally, they can be injured and die like regular humans, though it takes considerably greater injuries for the latter to occur than it would in regular humans.
All Soul Reapers(死神, shinigami, literally "death god") possess a zanpakutō (斬魄刀, literally "soul-cutting sword"), a weapon which reflects aspects of their soul and personality. By learning the name of the sword's spirit and through training, Soul Reapers can unlock more powerful forms of their zanpakutō. The first form, known as shikai (始解, "initial release"), changes the sword's appearance to better facilitate its special abilities. The second form, known as bankai (卍解, "final release"), can only normally be achieved when a Soul Reaper trains with their zanpakutō for decades. Once achieved, the Soul Reaper can unlock their zanpakutō's full potential, increasing their own power several times over.
Many Soul Reapers are able to use kidō (鬼道, literally "way of the demon"), a form of magic that can be performed by reciting a specific incantation. Most of the kidō spells seen in the series have been used as attacks, defensive measures, or to bind others, though they can also serve more specialized needs such as healing wounds or communication over long distances. Spells are ranked on a scale of 1 to 99, indicating their complexity and overall power