Finally posted!!! Yes!!!!! :D


"Yeah! We're here for you, Miyo! I mean, what kind of friends would we be if we just abandoned you?" I say, grabbing Miyo's hands. Shes in shock, but that's to be expected, right? I glance over at Kyon.

"Anyways," I say, facing him," Can I have your room key? I would really like to get my own clothes back. You're pants keep falling off of me." Kyon's eyes widen, and he looks stunned.

"Yeah, leave it inside once you get your things." He says hesitantly while digging through his pocket. He hands me the key, and I look it over. The sunlight glints off of it, and I smile. I look at Kyon, who had been staring at my bracelet, then at Miyo.

"You wanna come?" I ask, motioning towards the dorms. She looks at me, then at Kuna.

"Sure?" She says to me.

"Great!" I say, bouncing. "Let's go!" I start to run off, dragging Kuna and Miyo behind me.

"Wait, not so fast." She says. I slow down, and wait for them to catch up.

"So," I say as we walk towards the dorms, "Why don't you and your sister get along?" Miyo looks down, and I'm afraid I asked a touchy question.

"WEll, we just, um... don't." She stammers. I put on hand on her back.

"Sorry I asked about it! It must be a touchy subject, right/" She nods, and Kuna looks annoyed.

"I dislike like her very strongly!" Kuna says. "Shes rude, and extremely mean to Mistress Miyo. Kaya is foul, very foul." She shudders, and Miyo messes with her hair.

"She sure sounds foul," I say. We pass a bench, and I have to double-take it. Sleeping upon the bench was my lovely roommate. I motion Miyo and Kuna to stop, and they do.

"Chance?!" I say, running over to the bench. He stirs, and glares up at me. Hes all purple-ish under the eyes, and I can only think of one thing that would cause that.

"Oh crap." I say. "I broke it, didn't I?" I reach out to touch his nose, and he slaps me.

"Gee, who else punched me in the nose today?" He asked, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry," I say, looking down slightly. Then, I look back at Miyo and Kuna.

"Hey!" I call to them. "Come over here!" The two walk over, and I smile. Miyo is looking warily at Chance, and Kuna is still ticked.

"This," I motion to Chance, "Is my roommate, Chance." he nods slightly at them. I smile, and get a glare in return.

"Sorry," I mumble to him. Chance rolls his eyes, and I sigh.

"Anyways," I say, poking him. " These two are Miyo and Kuna. I met them in the gardens earlier." Miyo waves, and Kuna gives a "hello".

"So, we're going to one of the senior's rooms." Miyo says. I look her in surprise, but she keeps talking. "Do you wanna come along?" Chance smirks, seeing how uncomfortable I am with the idea of him joining us.

"Sure," He says, smiling slyly. I close my eyes, then open them. He hooks elbows with me, and laughs.

"So," Chance says, leaning down so that his mouth is next to my ear. "Shall we go, roommate?" He laughs again, and Miyo looks at us strangely.

"Okay, let's go!" I say. We walk like this until we get to Kyon's room. I pull his key outta my pocket, and put it in the door. I pushed the door open, and motioned for everyone else to go in.

"I'm going to have to change," I say, "But ya'll can wait on the other side of the curtain." I walk over to where my clothes were, and pick them up. Chance is following me, and I sigh. I turn and glare at him when he follows me behind the curtain.


I love bugging him. No, I'm like totally serious. And, after what he did to my nose, I think Alain deserves it. Hes glaring at me, and I hold my hands up.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"Don't 'what?' me! You know perfectly well what." Alain says, huffing impatiently. I smile.

"So, you know i'm messing with you?" I say to him. Alain rolls his eyes, and turns his back on me. He starts unbuttoning his shirt, and I walk over. I put my arms around him, and he hops, freaked out.

"What are you doing?" He asks frantically. I laugh.

"What am I doing?" I ask, letting go of him. Alain tries to take off his shirt, but I grab it before him. I twirl him around so that we're face to face.

"I believe its called payback, ro revenge, for you breaking my nose!" Alain is shocked. He closes his eyes and breathes in deeply.

"I understand you wanting revenge," He says, "But could you please do it when I'm fully dressed and not changing?!" I straighten up, and Alain grabs my ear. He drags me over to the curtain, and tosses me outside.

"Go away!" He says angrily. I shake my head and turn around to find an extremely shocked Miyo and Kuna staring at me.

"What was that?" Kuna asked. I shrug, and they both tilt their heads. I spot Alain's sword leaning against a wall.

"That," I say, picking up the sword, "was payback." The two stare at me, and I had just pulled out the sword when Kyon walked back in.

"What are you doing in my room?!" He asks pointing at me. Alain pokes his head out from behind the curtain.

I look at him, then Kyon.

"Whats going on?" Kyoka, who had walked in behind Kyon, asked. We all face here, and a chorus of "Uhhhh..." Goes through the room.

This is going to be hard to explain.....


Yes! I finally posted! Sorry it took so long, I've been busy. -_-' That was, yet again, a really long post. Sorry!

The people I used in this were...


PM or comment if I need to fix anything.........

Please continue???

~*~ Balletninja
