Requiem for a Dream

Hello .........
this video it is one of my fav Video ever it is great the music match with the BG it is rock i hope that you enjoy it

see ya

cool anime

we all now the great game Tales of the abyss it has great story i love it
and the anime has the same story of the game it was cool i played it frome long time but when i saw the manga i read it to CH !& and i am waiting for the new CH then i saw the anime and it is good as the game and the manga so enjoy of the opening of the game the anime has the same song but Diffrent BackGround Enjoy

see ya

naruto shippuden

the first naruto shippuden opening it is my fav opening i love the song it rock

the first ending it s geart

see ya

Heir in CH 440

i finished reading CH 440 from naruto manga it was chating but it was awesome "rock" how the 4th tell naruto that he is his father and how naruto hit him it was sad , how the 9 tail was seal back and disappeared it was the best i fealt sad for naruto but he is the man

see ya

the 9 tail appeared

Hello ............................
ii finished reading CH 439 i was great the first 14 pages was fight as usual and the 9 tail appeared it was really sad for naruto he look confused poor naruto but the last 3 pages was rock how the 4th HOKAGE appeared it was the best

i hope that you enjoy it
see ya