Hospital Update #123456787654564

Seriously... I've lost count how many updates I've written now.

What's new? Well, I went to see the consultant yesterday about the test results. I had more nerve conduction studies and an ultrasound on my shoulder area. When I had the US, the technician was actually remarking on how my artery gets pinched when I raise my arm for a while.

To those of you who are like me and medically minded, you will know this instantly as Thoractic Outlet Syndrome.

The consultant, who hadn't seen me for a while, had to re-read my entire file to get to grips with the current situation. (It was rather large, I can tell you.)

He then hooked me up to a pulse monitor and asked me to raise my arm and flex my fingers to test to see if my circulation was compromised. The results? Apparently, my bloodflow to my arm increased 4 fold. That is very abnormal.

So, now I'm having to go for an MRI scan on my neck to check to see if it is indeed the artery getting compressed, or it's the ulnar nerve still. Regardless, it's still not good and he said that worst case scenario is that I have to deal with it for the rest of my life. He is reluctant to operate should there be an issue in the neck/shoulder region, as it is 'major surgery'.

Oh. One more thing. He also diagnosed me with Vaughan-Jackson Syndrome too. Hah... Takes the piss.
