He Makes It Work

NOTE: IchiRuki, Rukia's POV blah, blah, blah

He makes it work,
This complicated life I live,
With these complicated feelings,
He makes it work,
As hard as it is to deal with these emotions,
He makes it work,
Because he always nos how to get my mind off of something,
How to get me to feel happy again,
He makes it work,
Wen I feel like I don't belong,
Because he gives me a place,
He makes it work,
As complicated as things are,
He always makes it look easy,
He makes it work,
Even if he dosen't no how,
He acts like he does,
For my sake,
He makes it work,
And he told me,
How he makes it work,
He said,
"Because you are always there to make it work for me,"
So I guess,
We make it work,
For eachother,
No matter how complicated it is,
We make it work
