Protecting You

NOTE: In Ichigo's POV, IchiRuki

You ripped out my heart,
Wen you turned away,
You may have done your part,
But I wish you would stay,
Why you left me,
I still can't understand,
But I'm back on my feet,
Ready to stand,
I'm ready to fight,
Weather you like it or not,
So shut up already,
Before we get caught,
I'm taking you with me,
I'm not leaving you here,
I'm dragging you back,
Even if you shed tears,
Don't tell me to leave you,
Don't scream, don't shout,
I won't let you go,
Don't even pout,
I told you already,
Don't make me repeat it,
I don't wanna hear it,
You better believe it,
I don't hit girls,
Yo're lucky you got it?
That promise I made,
Don't tell me you forgot it,
That promise I made,
To protect you ok?!
