[cumberbatch'd] sherlock.

Seriously, since I finished Sherlock season 1 and 2, I couldn't stop drawing this guy. ♥



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New OC. =w=

I don't have a name for him. orz;; Anyway, he's a stern, dapper, dedicated high school teacher. ♥ And he's single, hurrr <333 But he's married to education lol.

Very dense when it comes to romantic stuff. He's the type who's into his career. But he's very caring towards his students.

Experimenting with colors. I think I might stick to this coloring style. Or not. I'm inconsistent so yeah. otl;;

More Paint Crap?

You asked for it, Fluffeh-chan. B)

YES. MOAR PAINTASTIC CRAP. Or craptastic paint? I could be wrong. :P


Yes, that's Flynn. And Ishida-kun in the side. And that flower/girl thingy? Yeah, it's kinda inspired by that golden flower in Tangled. Just tryin' out the paint, with more seriousness.


^not really.

*meant to post it a week ago*

I just couldn’t draw anything right, they all look like crap to me and I should really finish off what I’m supposed to draw. D:

I really hatez it when I’m utterly unsatisfied with whatever I draw. ;;___;;

After a gabajillion times of sketching ‘im in phail, I finally got his look. COMPLETELY NYAPPEH

Did I get his nose right? xD

But then, I can’t draw him like this again. ;___; I'M SUCHA PHAIL. OTL