Tagged Again

Tagged this time by alphonse13

1. Do you prefer long or short anime/manga series?
How's medium? *laughs* It depends on how well it's done, if there's a bunch of filler, if it's rushed, etc etc.

2. What was the last book you read?
Dengeki Daisy.

3. Would you recommned others read that book?

4. If you have an OC how did you come up with them? If you don't have an OC why haven't you made one?
I have too many OCs. XD Because I have lots of story ideas. I base some designs off of video games and other anime. Sometimes I come up with a character/story thinking, "What would this be like?"

5. Do you like poetry?

6. Do you prefer writing or drawing?
That's too hard a choice! Depends on my mood, really. When I don't feel like drawing, I write.

7. Have you ever tried drawing or writing with your non-dominant hand?
Yes, it's really hard!

8. Would you rather go scubba diving or sky diving?
Scuba! Too scared of heights.

9. Do you like Tea?

10. How about coffee?
Nuh-uh. XP

11. What's the last video game you played?
KH 368 1/2 Days... Or archery on Wii Sports Resort.


Quick choice!

1. Flavor: Chocolate or vanilla?
2. Anime/Manga: Kenshin or Ichigo?
3. Games: Mario, Portal or Minecraft?
4. School: English, Science or Math?

What if...
5. You could bring your OC to life?
6. You met your favorite actor/artist on the street?
7. You could have any gadget you wanted?
8. Your favorite character was real?

Plain Random
9. Banana peel -- watch out!!
10. A wild Agumon has appeared! *Pokemon battle music*
11. "Dost thy mother knoweth thou wearest her drapes?"

I tag thee!

KK Slider
Yumei hearts u

I'm sorry if I missed anyone by PM! I lost track after trying several times from a mobile device (which I'm not used to using).
