Hello there, I'm Cat and I honestly don't know what I should do with this

You say pink
I say black
You say Joe Jonas
I say Bill Kaulitz
You say Holister
I say Hot Topic
You say Hip-Hop,
I say Pop/Rock.
You say high heels
I say high tops
You say I'm Punk
I say It's better than being a prep
You say I'm weird
if u agree put this on your world

Reach me at:
[email protected]
[x] [x]

External Image

To do...

I'm gonna do a challenge, first one...
the Merry [Christ]mas one, just have to remember... eh, I'm bad at remembering certain things....


Like we're going to -.-

Last year at the 2 dances my school had, the only dancing that went on was this group of "popular" people jumping up and down in a circular pack. The rest of us stood around the edges of the gym or played games/talked in the cafeteria.

Soo, tonight, at this school's first dance of the year I'm expecting the same thing. 'Cept this time the older kids are going to be there, meh ._. We were the oldest last year, and the little guys weren't invited to our dances.

But there's pizza? Something to look forward to...I guess...

My dad is funny, and earlier he asked me if I was going to get dressed up for the dance.
me: no
dad: no? No high heels, swishy dress, hair tied up, makeup?
me: no!
dad: hah, what are you going to wear then?
me: eh, I dunno, jeans?
dad: mhm...
me: I'm only going to this dance because my friends are going
brother(ty): that's why I go to dances
me: yeah
ty: they're fun, dancing with friends
me: I'm not going to dance -.-
ty: ehh? Why not?
me: the only dancing that went on last year was a group of people hopping up and down
ty: yep!
me: *sighs*
dad: hopping up and down?
ty: that's what we do
me: .....
ty: ^^
dad: ok, we're going to leave soon ty
ty: mm, 'k
me: hehe, last year the vice principal made the music guy stop playing this one song because she didn't "approve" of it
ty: pff
me: hehehehe, it was funny ^^

the conversation was funnier in real life than it is typed...it seems so boring reading it over...hmf

So that's at 6:30 EST, ends at 8:30. And there was a sheet that we had to fill out with all the rules and regulations for the dance, kind of creepy really, like they expect us to go on rampages or something...

We "are not permitted to leave the school building until 8:30 PM", in reaction to that Kyan goes "Are they going to GAS us or something?!" which made me laugh, she always thinks up strange...um...agh!!! forgot the word...ummm....instances? yeah sure, she always thinks up strange instances that would happen, they're really funny. xD

is there anything else?
alright then


XD I'm all happy right now!!!!!! I just got back from the winter concert at my school, it was great. I play the flute, and am in normal concert band as well as stage band, which meets before school (at seven Q.Q) usually twice a week.

The whole time we've had stage band going, we've only practiced....six songs! SIX!! They are~
1.) The Grinch, actualy three from the movie, but they were put into one
2.) Holiday Extraviganza, three or four holiday(not just christmas) songs, again mashed into one
3.) Hark! The Herald Trumpets Swing
4.) March of the Nutcracker
5.) Dance of the Reed Flutes, this song is in Fantasia, with the hippos doing ballet....
6.) Sleigh Ride

And they were all great!! Before we did Sleigh Ride the Jazz band played their three songs, which took a really long time because in one every.single.jazz.band.person.had.a.solo D: it took sooooo long!!!! But the people were pretty good :3

I got to wear a Santa haaaat! Hehe, it was my brother's. I like my brother, he doesn't annoy/pester me at all! He lets me use his various Ipod cables for my stereo, and teaches me certain things, if I ask, about the computer :3 :3 so nice, I would hug him but he wouldn't like that...

Oh! And I got chocolate icecream with mini Reeses cups in it after the concert!!!! xD heeheehee


Earlier while doing homework, I did 1/3 assignments, and stoped and stared at the rest of it. -so started my procrastination-
These are my ways of procrastination, from what I do most often to least often, they work well

1. I sit and stare at whatever it is I don't want to do, wishing it away

2. I fiddle with pencils/pens/ect. for awhile

3. I find something else to do

4. I lie down and stare at the ceiling

5. I read

6. I do the rest of my homework

7. I push what I was working on off me, lie down, and text x3 (love my cellphone!)

8. I look for food/candy

9. Go on the computer (depends on how much work is left)

10. Play with the 4 kitties!!!

11. Flop on my floor, sigh, and stay there for a bit

12. Completely zone out

I like procrastinating xD one time I fell alseep...just once though...


Homework and the radio

Because I like music :3
So I'm listening to Coast93.3 while doing some homework, and there's a bunch of good songs on that I never really paid much attention to before! I'm amazed xD

"In the end, everyone ends up alone" that's a sad thought...

I have paid attention to this one because it's on all the time...I still like it

x3 I got a clementine for finishing my homework! Yay!! *nomz clementine*