~A Whovian Blog~
My friends
T Wulfe~Skulduggery69~Omnia1~littlepooch~HalfwayVamped~GreenLeAfE~piggyback garu~ NeverEatRoses~Hikari the Wolf~itskaytime

You say pink
I say black
You say Joe Jonas
I say Bill Kaulitz
You say Holister
I say Hot Topic
You say Hip-Hop,
I say Pop/Rock.
You say high heels
I say high tops
You say I'm Punk
I say It's better than being a prep
You say I'm weird
if u agree put this on your world

I wanna

Do a cover of this song on Youtube. I'm not good enough yet though >.>
I got all A's this semester! And an A in performance festival! I'm so happy about my grades :D
Plus, tomorrow, Cat, Kaly and I are going to the roller derby. Then we will watch Titanic!!!
When I'm home alone, I put on Youtube and sing really loudly. Like opera-loud projection, etc. I like singing opera. (legit, I do.)
'specially Magic Flute and Phantom.
So yeah. <3


I'm already past this point but...


This is majorly personal, ready?

Hell yeah.

Do you still care about your last ex?

No... I didn't like him as a matesprite to begin with >.>

Does anything on your body hurt right now?


Has anyone told you they loved you today?

Yeah I think my mom... *shot*

Do you like falling asleep listening to rain?

Mhm ^^ my dad likes it too, apparently...

Ever been called babe/baby?

Nope :/

If you could go back in time and change things, would you?

There is a big chunk of my life I would erase.

Do you like to cuddle?

Yesh :3 but I'm allergic to cats so cats are uncuddlable... D:

Have you ever peed while on the phone?

Uh... no...?

You never know what you’ve got until you lose it. True or False?

Yeah. You don't. Then you regret it.

Can you read other people’s expressions?

Yeah, especially Cat, Kaly, and Luna. Also one or two other RL friends.

Who was the last person you talked to in person?

My mom.

If your parents didn’t like the person you were dating, would you end it?

If the guy was a jerk, then yeah. If they disliked him for the wrong reasons, then no.

What is your hair looking like right now?


Are you nice to everyone?

No, there are several people I blatantly ignore or avoid.

Who are you thinking about right now?

Yu Kanda and Sollux Captor. Also Coldplay a little.

Have your parents ever searched your room for personal belongings?


Name someone with brown eyes?

Catsworld. Sometimes. KalySama has 'em.

You get on a bus, do you chose to sit on the left or the right?


Can you get over people easily?


Do you like your hair?

I love it!!!

What was the last thing you drank today?

Fanta- nowait water for my meds.

What are you doing today?

I was @ the hospital.

What are you wearing right now?

Black tshirt and black pants.

Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?

Kanda. It's always Kanda. But realistically, Cat and Kaly!

Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms?

Not since I was a little baby grub thing.

This time last year, can you remember who you liked?

AN UGLY MUSHROOM. Seriously, his head looked like a ginger shittake (I don't normally use that term, but this kid was seriously a little jerk. Generally I like redheads.)

Do you like to hold hands?

Yup :3

What are you doing tomorrow?

Going to the dermatologist's, then school.

Are you waiting for something?

Kanda. Always Kanda. I'll wait forever <3 (that sounded really corny)

Do you have a reason to smile right now?

Yes. Many. My friends who are all awesome *hugs all friends*, a crapton of Easter candy, Coldplay, guitars, Kanda, stuff.

Is it possible to be single and happy?

Yeah. I'm waaaaay happier single.

Who are you constantly with?

Catsworld/KalySama. I'm always at Kaly's house and Cat is like my twin or something. People keep asking us if we think on the same wavelength...

Do you want any children?

I like babies and teenagers, but I don't like little kids! So I don't know :S But I love babies XD

What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?

On a scale of 1-10 how good of a singer are you?

11 (Eff yeah)

Do you know what you’re going to do with the rest of your life?

Musical theatre/theatre/music

Are you older or younger then most of your friends?

In the low middle.

Are you going to get hurt anytime soon by someone?

Well, reality. *shakes fist vehemently at sky* CURSE YOU, REALITY THE PLATYPUS!

Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?

Pff happier fools.

Is your life falling apart or coming together?

Coming together.

Do you know who you’ll kiss next?

D. Gray-Man 10. (LOL JK probably nobody)

If you could, would you hookup with the last person you texted?

What were you doing at 2AM last night?


Reason behind the last time you cried really hard?

Panic attack earlier today.

What could you eat any day of the week & never get tired of?

My mom's green beans or this Marks&Spencers Pasta Salad with bacon, onions and sweetcorn. Hey, if anyone wants to ship me some...

Do you have any plans for the weekend?

I'm going to the roller derby *whoop* and whatnot. Probably all kinds of random shizz...

What are you supposed to be doing right now?


When was the last time something bothered you?

Earlier today. Stupid lady and her stupid blood pressure thing.

Anything you’re looking forward to?

Vacation, seeing my friends tomorrow, party Friday in Science class (I LOVE MY TEACHERS SO MUCH), Choral Evaluation Festival!

Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home?

Out. My house is boring.

Have you ever had your heart broken?

Every day. Every single day, I tell you.

Are you happier now than you were three months ago?

Sort of... 3 months ago my grandmother was alive and my grandfather wasn't a mess, but I was sicker and was having a harder time with school...

Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?

Yep. You two know who you are.

Was last night terrible?


Do you think anyone has feelings for you?

No ^^'

Do you have a tattoo?

I'm not legally old enough...

Are you texting someone?

Yeah "Caitta Nakamo :3" her contact actually has that little icon after it...

Would you prefer a baby girl or boy?


Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out?

I got two!

Is there anyone who doesn’t like you?

Yeah. But the feeling is mutual (For Cat, Kaly: Manders+Manni :P)

I bet you miss somebody right now?


Do your feelings get hurt easily?


The boy/girl you truly care about needs you at 3am, would you go?

Help him. Or her if it was one of my besticles ^^

Do you think someone is thinking about you?

Uh... IDK... maybe Caitta, she's texting me?

Do you call any of your friends by their last name?


Is there someone you wish you were still close with?

Yeah >.>

How’s your heart lately?

Broken, as usual.

Will next Friday be a good one?

Hmmm, dunno.

Has a boy/girl put their arm around you the past 5 days?


If someone liked you would you want them to tell you?


Do you miss your past?

Nope. I didn't have a whole lot of friends...

What was the first thing you thought this morning?


Have you ever gotten a sunburn so bad it hurt to move?


What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today?

MOM: OK Kyan, you can go watch Doctor WHo and have Pepsi and chocolate cream pie because I'm sorry you only had toast for breakfast and then sat through a panic attack and allergy testing!
KYAN: :'D *weeping with joy*

Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?

Cry over the truth. Lies are for the naive.

Do you trust people?

My friends.

Your favorite number?

13. Or 6-6-1851 (guess whose bday that is >////<)

Do you like anybody right now?

Kanda. And a couple others...

Name some fears you have:

Kanda dying, my friends dying, someone dying near me. I, oddly, don't fear dying myself...just pain or suffering.

Does the thought of marriage scare you?

Not really.

How many kids do you want?

I already mentioned that I don't particularly enjoy children. 1 tops.

What’s your favorite season?


What’s your favorite color to wear?


What’s something that someone can do that really bothers you?

Acting like an airhead.

Do you make a wish at 11:11?


When you go to the beach do you swim or lay out more?


Who’s the last text message you received from and what did it say?

Cat: Does you have any questions for Saf?

Does the number 23 have any significance to you?

None whatsoever.

Be honest, do you like people in general?



OK,it's a questionnaire (Q's by catsworld) for my FanTroll, Navira Rathos.
(O=0, I=1, S=2, E=3, A=4)

What's your biggest fear? What's your reaction when you see it?
1 d0n't l1k3 p41l2, (duh), but MY b1gge2t f34r 12 pr0b4bly Vr12k4. S3r10u2ly, Vr12k4. Sh3 fr34k2 m3 0ut pr3tty b4d.
My R34CT10N t0 Vr12k4 12 t0 g3t 42 f4r 4w4y 42 f42t 42 p0221bl3...

Are you friends with Safrin? (cat's fantroll)
Y32~ h3 12 my b32t32t m01r41l!
~T0 B3 C0NT1NU3D~

Terezi and Sollux

I found these two in the New Member intros. I like the icons and wallies!