Onr Dauthleikr Freohr

Name: Onr Dauthleikr Freohr(It means Your Mortal Death in the elven langauge so she goes by Onyx Freih)(PS its not her true name,her parents were just cruel)
Looks:she has tan skin,many scars yet very feminine looking, light blue eyes(she is blind)
Hair:short black with red highlights cut at an angle
Dislikes:her older brother,the empire,war
Past:She is the emperor's younger sister and has had a harsh life growing up. she is 13 but is very strong. Her family had been cursed for years, the third child of every tenth generation is cursed with a multiple personality. This multiple personality is a very strong one that loves war. It makes you very strong but at the price of your life force. It also tends to give nightmares. She hates her brother and wants to escape to the Varden so she can get revenge on her brother. Her brother wants her to be just like him.She has a birthmark on her right shoulder that proves she is the princess of the empire, it is shaped like a flame
Mate:She doesn't have time or heart to spare in this matter
Position:Princess of the Empire
With: Varden Secretly
