Help finding a song? [Updated]

The song starts at 4:00 - I've been searching for it for about two hours now; I can't find it, though I'm sure that it would be on one of the soundtracks for Wolf's Rain- but, it eludes me.

x_x Dead Video Link, bro

If you can find it, thank you so much. <3

Remember this post, way back when - when I was searching for an instrumental piece in Wolf's Rain? I never did find a released/studio version, but someone did make a version that lasts at least 4 minutes, with the talk/background noise lowered - but still. I refuse to believe that this song hasn't been released. I mean seriously. It's one of the best, most haunting songs in the entire series.

Here's the version I mentioned:

If I'm wrong, and this song has a title & is downloadable/purchasable somewhere, let me know AND I WILL WORSHIP THANK YOU with double rainbows.

I'm glad I was able to find something of it, something to play over and over again, but I almost want to cry. Leaving something this beautiful unreleased is just cruel.

External Image

//downloads YouTube video
