New Segment! [1] Pet Peeves - TL;DR

I’m making new segment in this world; Pet Peeves! I have quite a few, so I’d figure I’d share them. Let’s start with this one:

[1] Pet Peeves - TL;DR

‘Too long; didn’t read’ also known as TL;DR is just one of those things that just... gets to me. My dislike for it began on GaiaOnline, where the majority of users there have the magical ability to aggravate me. There are a lot of young, immature, 'witty' people on there, and quite a few times this has occurred:

A user online writes something particularly long, which occasionally (not all the time) touches upon an important subject---and after this person spent their time writing this entry, in hopes of engaging in thoughtful conversation---the first person simply replies:


Why does this bother me so much?

I tend to see things differently than some. I believe the human mind is complex and interesting, capable of mindboggling things. And after years and years of humans evolving and surviving years of mediocrity, cannibalism, mindless open violence, and many other monstrosities that were faced on human's path to intelligence and civilization---you’ve decided to take -1% of your brain's capacity, skim over a topic with harrowing conceit, and scribble down such a simple, pathetic line?

Is reading a few pages that difficult? I certainly don’t think so. I don’t mind if someone goes:

I don’t have enough time to read the entire thing,
when I have the chance, I check back and read it."

That’s more reasonable; however, the first example, in my opinion is surely insulting. Now, sometimes someone will post something that is long, uninteresting, and stale. Guess what? If you're online, and it's not assigned, you don't have to read it. You can skip right over it.

If only some would keep that in mind...
