A Tough Gig

Sorry all for the wording of my post earlier today (now deleted) where I expressed disappointment at our chat event's low attendance. I didn't mean to make any of you feel guilty. I know that those members who couldn't attend were either:

(1) Busy
(2) Not interested
(3) Not properly informed

All are valid and excusable reasons. I'm just hard on myself in general and took the bad news worse than normally.

As "Bossman" it's my job to spend our time/resources on initiatives that have the biggest long-term impact. Most these initiatives fail and it always hurts when they do. Sometimes though, once in a rare while, there's a success and it makes everything worth it.

Some people ask whether we'll have celebrity chats again. I think so but I'm going to take a break until I figure out a way to give the guests an attendance level they deserve (at least 60 people at once).


An exciting week:

I'm thrilled by the collaboration feature/numbers and this coming week will be one of the best we've ever had.

Stay tuned! :)

PS: Thanks to those members who sent me supportive words in private. You ROCK!
