If everything is serious, how can we learn to laugh?

I couldn't care less.

You, had to go and mess with me.
Why couldn't you just let me be.
I mean out of all the people, and when you're so dedicated to another.
I really don't know why you went and did this.
I'm not that good of a person, or that much of one to catch your eye.
Have you ever considered what you're doing to me.
Of course you have but from the beginning when you started to talking to me.
Why did you go and mess things up.
It's your fault, and maybe mine as well.
I couldn't care less.
I couldn't care less.
Now that you will ever see this.
I hope you go and have a happy life with the one you're already with.
Not that I had a chance with you to begin with.
Sorry for my impulsive behavior on a matter of the subject that we weren't supposed to even talk about.
I would be a horrible person for doing so and you, don't even get me started on you.
I wish you were mine but sadly that isn't the case and I wouldn't ever come to you if I had the chance.
So what good are we to one another.
Even thought you've already cut me off.
I'm just like any other girl.
So you've told me, but I already knew that.
You have no idea what you've done to me.
Not on the outside but on the inside.
The inside that only I will ever see, from now and till eternity.
So I'll just keep saying to myself, I couldn't careless, I couldn't care less.

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picture :D

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This is really cool...

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and this music is really pretty...


I hate going home after a stay with family. Never get to see much of them and when my parents finally come to get us I feel like they're taking me away from soemthing and I'll never see them again.... Idk just wanted to rant.

Bleach AMV - Across The Line