Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) Novelist

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Submission for the Be Who You Wanna Be challenge!

So the idea of the challenge is to create a wallie with your dream goal on it, and Im not sure if this completely qualifies but its the best I can do with my silly dream!
My dream goal is a surprisingly common one but I also know that it is something that I can never accomplish - A writer. I would *LOVE* to one day have the courage to take one of the many stories I have written over the years (and oh boy there are so many) and hand it in to a publishing company with pride; regardless on whether it would be accepted or rejected for me Im simply to shy to let anyone else read my stories >.<
So thats my dream goal in life, I say dream because I know it will never be anything more than a dream ;)

As for the wallie - how does one make a wallie of an author? You find an anime character thats an author thats how! And do you know how hard that it? Apparently its very hard! While there are plenty of artists and managakas out there apparently there are very few authors in anime :
Anywhoo - the one author I know is Shigure Sohma from Fruits Basket, so I picked him. There are actually a lot of similarities between myself and good ol Shigure but for the sake of this challenge - hes the published author that I wish I could be ^_^

Further into the wallie; I had to make the umbrella from scratch so I apologise in advance that it looks bad compared to the rest of the vector! And as for the rain? Well I love the rain, and I especially love writing while its raining so I decided to throw that in too :3

Original scan - Hes also sexy ;)
Plus textures 1 & 2 & 3



Fruits Basket Wallpapers
Fruit Basket, Shigure Sohma, Shigure Souma
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5 members Favoritefavorite
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Be who you wanna be!!

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