Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) Attack Me

Attack Me
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Ok I know Im a tad bit late due to a sudden trip to Sydney but this is what I wanted to make for Arra-chans friend to help with her bad breakup. I dont have any almighty advice to give on breakups as my previous relationships all ended pretty badly too, but what I can say is that your friends are there for you! Forget about that stupid man as he is clearly not worth your time! Just you wait patiently and I have no doubt you will one day meet Prince Charming who will complete you ♥
In the mean time hang out with your girl friends as they will always be there to support you, and should all fail and there looks like there is no light at the end of the tunnel just chat me up! I love making new friends! :D Granted the time difference means I can be pretty slow responding to messages but hey Im here every day :)

Right now that thats been said - thank you to Arra-chan for having a friend who also likes Levi from AoT, if theres one thing I enjoy its making Levi wallies ^_^ You ask for Levi wallies and dammit I will grant that wish!!!
The wallie itself was pretty simple. I must admit that only a few months back and I never would have tried to vector the image that I chose but now I aint scared of nothing no more! (Thats a lie Im terrified of spiders and clowns). I wanted to keep the background relatively simple as I went pretty nuts on the previous Levi wallie I made and I wanted to make sure they were different >.<

Original Image - COME AT ME BRO
Plus textures 1 & 2 & 3 & 4
And a final vector of the Scouting legions symbol cause I really liked it in the original image and wanted to keep it in my wallie too.



Attack on Titan Wallpapers
Attack on Titan, Levi, Rivaille, Shingeki no Kyokin
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15 members Favoritefavorite
DarkAnimeTomboy18 NinjaBluez yuko9kost blackprincess Hifsa ElementalNinja nikkeh09 tsubasachro Karmira KyraChan XxArrancarFanxX Heartstop
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