Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Midnight Trip//Memories

Midnight Trip//Memories
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Song Inspiration/Title:Midnight trip//Memories of Childhood-Mami Kawada

Links to be added later

To explain the title, I was listening to this song by Mami Kawada called "Midnight//Memories of childhood" when I was making this wallpaper and the title just stuck. Anymore my wallpaper titles have to do with songs in one way or another. I love music so I'm always listening to music. I love this song by Mami Kawada,to me it has a nostalgic feeling to it. Also spring always gives me nostalgic feelings. I just really love this song. It's from her "Square the Circle" album which I listen too all the time.(well not all the time but a lot)
To explain the wallpaper,I just wanted to make a really nice wallpaper featuring my favorite character Johan from GX. I loves him so much. He's friendly,nice,sweet,and amazing just like all my friends here on theO
But anyway I just felt trying some different things in this wallpaper. Noticed I used a filmstrip,rather than making a tedious collage of images which I have done in the past. I also used only one action,just enough to brighten the colors up a bit. Also made the blues stand out more(I love blue~). Then I found an amazing image of Johan that was a full pose. Those are so rare! Especially in high quality too and this was a screenshot no less. Sometimes I get lucky enough to find hi res screenshots,when I do I use them in my wallpapers. I'm just really happy with how this turned out. I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper.
Member Dedication:SweeTea-It has to be dedicated to you. You are so lovable like Johan and you are just such an amazingly epic friend. I especially want to thank you(and all my friends) for helping me out during my rough spot. I'm so lucky to have you as a friend. You're so amazingly sweet,epic,and I just loves you*superstar huggles* Thank you for being such a sweetheart. I loves chu~<3 I'll always be your Johan and you are my Tea-chan. Thank you for being an amazing friend. Loves you

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
city, filmstrip, johan anderson, rainbow, yu-gi-oh gx
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