Darkarax (Wallpaper Portfolio) Troubled Child

Troubled Child
1024x768 | 800x600

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Song: Troubled Child by Journey


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Here's my entry for the Stop Bullying challenge. It ended up being kind of a simple wallpaper to make. At first I wasn't really sure about entering this challenge, but it spoke to me a bit. I'm sure many of us have been bullied a few times in our lives. In fact just recently I heard about someone here on TheO who was bullied. Of course I'm not going to name names or reveal any details. It's not my story to tell.

I will say though that I was one of those awkward kids that the others made fun of, and I was bullied myself a few times. In fact one incident really sticks out for me, mostly because it happened on September 11th 2001, so it added insult to injury. I had brought with me a book to read with me in between classes that day. And that afternoon I left the book on my desk and left the room for a bit, and when I came back the book was gone. I looked everywhere I could think of and could not find it, made my day a whole lot worse.

Later that Friday however the book was returned to me, apparently someone had "found it". Then later I overheard the two guys who had supposedly found it and learned that they had in fact hidden it earlier that week. I didn't tell the teachers because I didn't think it would do much good. I had the book back, so unless it vanished again there really wasn't any point. Although after that incident I was reluctant to bring any book with me to school.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that story. You know, I heard a few times that kids bully others because they crave attention. I think that's only a small part of it. In my opinion bullying happens because there are kids out there who hate something about themselves or have something in their lives that they can't control (like some issue with their parents or something), so they end up needing to feel superior to someone and end up finding the most awkward kid they can find and start tearing him or her to pieces. That's all I have to say on the subject. Enjoy the wallpaper.

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