kitabug69 (Wallpaper Portfolio) Tsubasa 021

Tsubasa 021
1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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My first wallies for Kisuke's challenge "The Great Imitators"...

Well needless to say, I feel odd as hell doing this. I feel like I am stealing here… I know call me weird if you want. However, I never followed anyone’s style. Back when I started this, I developed my own style. I had no one to show me the way. I learned everything I know on my own. Though it is not much… heehee. I did it all own my own. Something I am very proud of.

However, I told Kisuke I would join his challenge. So I am swallowing my pride and my feeling on this and posting a wallie I did from Kisuke’s style. I know I am supposed to post two wallies from two different artists and if I get the chance before the deadline; there is another artist I would like to try his style, but only if he gives me the ok to do so. I won’t do it unless he approves it first.


Wallie I tried to Imitate: Edward Elric

Background: Consists of a very pale blue with two textures. Changing the opacity of the textures so they would blend.

Tsubasa Image: The image is one I rendered from a Tsubasa scan I found… I believe from a Tsubasa site I found ages ago. The blending of the vector was changed to Multiply.

Brushes: Clouds and the sun were added to the background then blended to Dark to pull them out better. They came from

Font: The font is from Sorry I can’t recall the font I used. I made a lot of wallies that day I made this one.


Well there you have it, Kisuke. I hope it is what you are looking for…

Hugs, Faves, and Comments always appreciated…


Tsubasa Wallpapers
syaoran, tsubasa
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The Great Imitators

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