kisskiss-bangbang (Wallpaper Portfolio) O R A N G E

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~ This is my entry for Sleepinglionheart's challenge Tokio Hotel lyrics ~

I really hate it when your little thumbnail image looks really bad, but your happy the way it looks when you LOOK at it. It bugs me so much. Ummmm anyway, my challenge entry for dearest Sleep. Hope you like it!

I know that the lyrics I choose where very dark and deep, and the setting for this wallpaper is a little more lighthearted than it should be. I made it that way on puropse. I wanted it to be a kinda inner thought thing for Fei, who himself is a very fitting man for these lyrics.

The lyrics are from Tokio Hotel, from the song That Day. I've never listened to this song, never heard the band, and haven't heard much about them. So if I missed the mark than Opps. A very big Opps.

And I have never read Tsuabasa, watched it, or read much on it. Nor have I read/watched any adaptions or from what I understand, the place where the 'origanal' characters come from. I just love the art.

Anyway, the image if from Photobucket, and the textures are just some font, many layers of diffrent colours, overlayes of black and white images, and some fade effects. It took me about four hours, due to constant interuptions. This was done in a day. I do like this one alot. Its a very pretty tones of blue.

And to My dearest Sleep. I hope your feeling okay. This ones for you beucase I know you love this band. I don't know if you like Fei.

I hope you all like it. Please comment, critisism is fine as well. Just be prepared to be asked alot of question oh how to make it better!!

Tsubasa Wallpapers
blue, fai, fei, tokio hotel, tsubasa
36 votes thumb
30 members Favoritefavorite
Karisan zurajanai 21Emmz12 kikkima IChiTa FaithOfFai0607 angel1753 Heartkruez Morbid Dollie Tsukiyo-kun winterlionheart neko lover5 animeasome225 Razing Phoenix Kc Inoue aurora witch SakuraBlades LoveKouichi Karmira Gemnote7 Karorin blackrose b Puppet Mistress KitKatKitty circe8
Member Dedication
Tokio Hotel lyrics

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