SerenityMegami (Wallpaper Portfolio) Always Together

Always Together
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WOW! I finally figured out how to post this. *Sweatdrops* ^^

Anyways, I made this with Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2, and I got the renders from Fushigi Yugi! Hikari to Kurai.

Now, I realize that the renders aren't the best, but this is my first wallpaper EVER so I did the best that I could with them. I think I spent about 5 hours playing around with things before I got the above as the final product. I will definitely say this much: I only thought that I had respect for wallpaper, sig, etc. makers! I swear that I'll bow down to you all from now on. I'm not sure that I'll make another one, but I guess that depends on how everyone takes this.

The motivation behind this piece was my Big Sis Katy! She lives in the UK while I'm in the states, we've never met, but talk almost every day and she's ALWAYS been there for me! I was actually looking around for renders for her since she does make wonderful wallpapers, when I found the one of Yui. Then the idea formed and I started working on it when I got home from work. =D

So anyways, this is for you, Sis. Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what!!! I couldn't have made it through God only knows how much now if it hadn't been for you. You're the absolute best, I'm so thankful that we met, and I can't wait till we can meet in person and spend some real time together! *Huggles tight and snuggles*

Fushigi Yugi Wallpapers
miaka, yui
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