AlleyCatUmbz (Wallpaper Portfolio) Between

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I suppose this could be taken as yaoi, but it's not supposed to be =/ The "third one between" can be anyone/anything you like that you can imagine coming between Yugi and Yami. (In my head, it was Atem, but that's because I think of he and Yami as being separate *shrugs*)

While this isn't meant to be yaoi, it IS meant to exhibit love. It's obvious the two love each other, in a brotherly sort of way. You wouldn't cry for someone you didn't care about, after all.

I got inspired to do this from an RP I'm doing with a friend (I'm Yami and she's Yugi)

Lyrics are from "Between" by Vienna Teng.

We're not together here
Though we lie entwined
To make room for the other presence
We both draw back in our minds

I have a prophecy
Threatening to spill into words
This growing certainty
Of over

There once was a time I was sure of the bond
When my hands and my tongue and my thoughts were enough
We are the same, but our lives move along
And the third one between replaces what once was love

Freedom is being alone
I fear liberation
But something more alive than silence
Swallows conversation

No pleasing drama
In subtle, averted eyes
This swelling fermata
As the chord dies

There once was a time I was sure of the bond
When my hands and my tongue and my thoughts were enough
We are the same, but our lives move along
And the third one between replaces what once was love

There's no denying we feel the third one
We do
I'm tired of hiding
And so are you

There once was a time I was sure of the bond
When my hands and my tongue and my thoughts were enough
We are th same, but our lives move along
And the third one between replaces what once was love...

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
yami, yami yugi, yugi
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