Dementia (Wallpaper Portfolio) Adults Only

Adults Only
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This is from the anime Devil May Cry, which I do not really recommend. If you do watch it watch in Japanese not the dub. The dub is translated bad, even with Reuben Langdons voice he really could not save it. It does have its moments of awesome though.rnAnyway about the wallpaper, This was a really great scene I must admit, and god Reuben saying adults only gave me chills. I do not remember if the Japanese VA said the same thing. And it is about time I do another Devil May Cry wall. The vector was not that hard, and I know it is not that great. I basically had to redraw the gun it was to dark to see in the vector, and I hate it. I did not want to add to much to take away from Dante, I thought the paper texture worked well. The original screen was blue, and I did not like the color very much so I changed it to regular colors with grey background because I like grey. I am not that good with font and I do not use it all that much, but it needed font to it. I really did not know where to put the font because it did not fit in the middle. So I put at the top. The lyrics came from Tool-Jambi. That song and most of 10,000 days reminds me of Devil May Cry, and I really do not know why. The lyrics and sounds fit with Dante really well. In fact it was that CD that gave me inspiration to do the wallpaper. That is all I can think of right now sol here is a very simple wall for everyone to use. rnrnCredit where credit is duernSreencap sxc.hurnLyrics from ToolrnVectored in Paint Shop Pro

Devil May Cry Wallpapers
anime, dante, devil may cry, gun, tool
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