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    Weekly Inspiration: Paper Children

Back again for another round of weekly inspiration! These posts are here to give you a hand by suggesting weekly themes, colour schemes and other fun things for you to try.

You can pick one or as many of the suggestions as you wish to bring back your artistic flair.

This Week

Word: Spring
Colour: Yellow
Letter: P
Theme: Farmland



Unfortunately no one commented with a link to anything they tried from last weeks post, so I have nothing to share. So... Have a random feature instead!

Embrace It by Katana


Why Not Try

For those of you who want to try something a little bit different, why not try this art style for a change of pace?

Paper Child

What you will need:

  • Paper
  • Coloured pencils or pens
  • Scissors

Draw yourself a cute little chibi of whatever character you want to make. Colour it and outline it, then take your scissors and snip around it carefully. Alternatively, you can also use a crafting scalpel. (Just be careful!)

TIP: This can also be done digitally and printed out.
Here's a handy, basic tutorial on how to draw a child-like character: CLICK HERE!

Paper children are a fun way of making doodles and ideas come alive. You can pose them in creative ways and take photos that tell a story. Give it a try and tell us what you think!

Have fun and don't forget to link your works in the comments below!

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