Jin vs. Cassiel NinjaGirlSango

Announcer: Jin the windmaster versus newcomer and underdog, the dragon demon Cassiel!

[The crowd roars with applause. Jin steps up to the platform, smiling and waving.]

Chu: [standing beside the ring] Don’t get to comfy now. Jin’ll make quick work of this newbie, especially with that trainin’ he’s gotten from me.

Touya: [standing beside Chu, arms crossed] Don’t get too cocky yet. We don’t know what abilities he possesses.

[ENTER Cassiel. Looks fairly human with blue skin, small dragon-like wings, silver tattoos, and a long black piece of fabric wrapped around his waist, his only clothing. His ears are slightly pointed and his hair is a strip of silver running down his scalp and pulled into a long ponytail. His eyes are very light blue- almost white.]

Jin: [approaches Cassiel, extending a hand to shake] Well now, I hope your skin’s not as cold as that look you were givin’ me.

[Cassiel stares at him, looks down at the hand, and looks back up without a word.]

Jin: [pulls his hand back] Alright then you’re that kinda fella. No worries, but I’m not gonna let my guard down so you’d better hope ya got a favorable wind blowin’ for ya today.

[Jin starts to rise off the ground and shoots into the sky. Cassiel doesn’t budge, not even moving his eyes. The crowd shouts as Jin quickly dives out of nowhere, reappearing behind the dragon demon, his arm locked back then extended as a strong punch lands on the back of Cassiel’s head. Suddenly Cassiel vanishes, leaving Jin looking baffled. Jin seems to hear something, dodges to the left, and narrowly avoids a small bullet of some sort. He flies back into the sky and sees Cassiel standing where he had just been.

Jin: [makes a small sound in pain/surprise, grabbing his left forearm which is spurting blood, then smiles] A worthwhile opponent after all…

[Jin dives down again, creating a wind barrier between himself and the dragon demon. Hundreds of loud popping sounds are heard as Jin circles the stage with the barrier up.]

Jin: Ah, yer a sneaky one alright. So ya control the water in the air, now there’s a useful talent. But looks like you’ve got a bit of a handicap on this lovely, sunshiney day with this nice dry air. Seein’ as I’d care to move on it’s time fer me to end this match, nothin’ personal.

[Jin begins to narrow his circling, creating a strong tornado with Cassiel at its center. Cassiel doesn’t budge until he suddenly starts gasping. He grabs his neck and eyes widen as he fights to breathe.]

Cassiel: [thinks] A vacuum pulling all the air out of this space. Move and I’m torn apart by the wind, and my wings are too small for flight…

[Cassiel drops to his knees, getting dizzy. As he falls to his side, Jin swoops down, the concrete fracturing as his fist connects with Cassiel’s stomach. But again Cassiel seems to evaporate into the swirling wind.]

Jin: [sees another Cassiel out of the corner of his eye and slides a foot back preparing for another attack] Yer like a chameleon just blendin’ in with everythin’ an’ all.

Cassiel: [in a deep voice, speaking slowly and carefully] I’d hoped to tire you out more by this time. It seems you’ve improved past my own calculations. But you’ve not yet land a hit on me while I’ve already injured you. You’re right, my power is limited by this weather and my time limit for invisibility has already been surpassed, though I doubt that will help you much.

Jin: [laughs] For a small guy yer a pretty big talker.

[Jin darts forwards, throwing a flurry of punches. Cassiel manages to dodge most of them, getting a few scrapes here and there. Jin takes advantage of his distraction, driving a knee into Cassiel’s stomach, catching him off-guard. Cassiel stumbles backwards to catch his breath, looking shocked.]

Jin: One for one- that makes us even now.

[Jin launches himself forward once again. This time Cassiel sidesteps to the left, using his outer hand, shaped into a knifehand, and tries to plunge it into Jin’s side. Jin narrowly avoids the attempt, but is hit by Cassiel’s follow-up move, a strike to his neck. Jin jumps out of reach, the entire right side limp and useless. He begins to rotate his left arm rapidly, whipping up a tornado fist. At the same time Cassiel moves his hands slightly, gathering the last of the humidity in the air into tiny bullets that surround Jin, and shoots them off. Pops are heard as some smash against the fast-moving wind, some scratch Jin, but many of them penetrate him, causing blood to spurt from countless places. Cassiel immediately goes in with his hand flat, preparing to pierce Jin’s throat. To his surprise, Jin flies forward to meet him, but veers off to the right at the last second. As Cassiel turns his head to keep the windmaster in his sights, he’s hit with a powerful headbutt and knocked to the ground. Jin uses his good arm to grab Cassiel around his waist and hoist him hundreds of feet into the air to drop into a divebomb. He releases Cassiel at the last moment, the dragon’s body crushed against the stone. Jin pulls up, hovering above the stage.]

Chu: Alright Jin, that’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout!

[Jin waits until the countdown was complete and he was declared the winner to fly back to his teammates. Cassiel’s body is dragged away.]

Jin: [sitting against the wall, out of sight of most of the crowd, still bleeding slightly] I could take Urameshi’s punches but this guy really knew the soft spots on a guy.

Touya: [briefly inspecting Jin’s injuries] He was aiming for your vitals. You’re lucky to have only gotten away with partial paralysis and some small holes. It should all heal up within a few days at most. Otherwise you’re fine.

Jin: Of course I am! I’ve gotta keep myself kickin’ until I can get a rematch with that punk.

Date Published
11/30/-1 (Originally Created: 05/10/09)
Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Words
1 hug hug
1 member Favoritefavorite
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