Vampirisation Haru 93

“You shouldn’t feel so guilty, Mia,” Jasper said in a gentle voice as he stroked my hair with a careful hand. I shrugged. “I’m not sure I really have a choice in it.” I sighed again and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Jasper, can I ask you something?” He chuckled quietly. “Sure, go for it.” I tried to work out my wording so that I asked it sensitively before saying, “How did you manage to not kill me? I know it’s an odd question, but you said that you don’t have very much control over your bloodlust, so…well, when you bit me, how did you stop?” Jasper’s hand froze and I worried that I had overstepped the line, but he must have just been contemplating his answer because he soon responded, “It was difficult. But I guess that…I can’t be sure, obviously. But Carlisle’s so compassionate, so when I went to bite you it was for your survival. And then I tasted your blood, and realised I had underestimated my instincts again. It did take a lot of effort, but…you opened your eyes. You looked at me and I could see that you trusted me unabatedly. I saw your humanity, your warmth, and that helped me regain mine.”

I nestled closer to him. “Thank you. I’m very glad to have had this life and these opportunities. So…thanks.” Jasper shrugged. “Can I get rid of your negative emotions now then?” he asked, and I nodded. His muscles tensed for a moment and then a fizzy haze infiltrated my mind, dispelling my bad emotions and cleansing my thoughts. “Is that..?” I looked at Jasper and saw the concerned confusion in his expression before my eyes grew wide. “Your love…I haven’t noticed it before…I…” I blinked rapidly as Jasper stammered out incoherent sentences.

“You’re in love with Jasper.” That simple comment, uttered in a completely emotionless voice, sent a chill shivering down my spine. I pulled my eyes from Jasper’s to look at Edward, who was standing at my door and sifting through my thoughts. He lingered on some things, I could feel it, but I didn’t know which memories caused him the most pain. “It’s strange,” I heard myself say; “I didn’t know that. It’s a weird feeling when you’re told that you’re in love by two other people and they know for certain that it’s true. I hadn’t realised I was in love. Maybe I wouldn’t have if you two didn’t tell me.” I slid off Jasper’s lap and stood on trembling legs between the two vampires.

I let my eyes dart from Jasper to Edward for a while before finally whispering, “Edward. Please don’t tell anyone else.” He looked at me in slight disgust. “I wouldn’t do that,” he muttered before sloping off. “I hate to have to tell you, but you’ve broken his heart,” Jasper whispered, “I think you probably want to be alone right now, so I’ll leave you to it. Stop worrying about everyone else and just sort your thoughts out, okay?” I nodded absently and watched him leave, drinking in his features thirstily.

Haru 93
Date Published
05/06/09 (Originally Created: 05/06/09)
The World That Never Was
Twilight (Series) Fan Words
28 hugs hug
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