O Castitas Lilium Gildas Magnus

I watched Elfen Lied a few days ago, and I couldn't get Lilium out of my head. So, this songfic is what came from it...

“Os Iusti Meditabitur Sapientiam…”

The girl walked through the hallowed halls of the church, the choir singing perfectly in the background. All her fears, and hopes, seemed tied in with that sacred song, and it followed her wherever she went. A boy once had a music box that played the song, and she had fallen in love. Now she would protect him.

“Et Lingua Eius Loquetur Indicium…”

Out from the church she walked calmly, passers-by not noticing the tears in her eyes. Her clothes worn slightly, she made her way down the road, past the Maple Inn. That Inn had been a haven for her, a safe place she could stay, and rest. And the boy she had loved, once upon a time, still resided there…

“Beatus Vir Qui Suffert Tentationem…”

She stopped, her memories flooding her with grief. She had killed his sister and father in a mad rage, and still regretted it deeply. He could never love her now. Though his memory faded with age, she knew that he would one day remember everything, and cast her out like the monster she was.

“Quonium Cum Probates Fuerit Accipient Coronam Vitae…”

The melody reached her ears as the Maple Inn faded into the distance. She continued walking, with a single purpose. Though he may hate her forever, her life was worth the sacrifice for his. He was the only one who had ever accepted her…

“Kyrie, Ignis Divine, Eleison…”

She reached the bridge, where he stood, surrounded by soldiers. He would not die today. She flung herself in front of him, her invisible arms shielding them both from the gunfire. As the bullets stopped in mid-air, she threw them back, killing the soldiers with as much force as they would have killed Kouta.

“Oh Quam Sancta…”

Every soldier dead, she hugged him deeply, though he pushed her away. She would never be loved again. But that mattered not, she had saved his life, and as long as he kept on living, she had a purpose.

“Quam Serena…”

The melody grew louder. Her time had come. She looked around, a lone soldier still standing, ready to fight. He chased her to the beach, where she made her last stand against him. Though he failed, she would not spill more blood. Not anymore.

“Quam Benigna…”

She returned to the bridge, Kouta had disappeared, most likely home to the Maple Inn. As she began walking away, many more soldiers appeared, blocking her exit. Her time was now.

“Quam Amoena…”

She threw her arms out, gazing as the sky. How the stars shone on this, her final night. Tears fell gracefully from her eyes, and her memories of Kouta were all that she could see. Thousands of shots rang out in the night. Her lifeless body fell to the floor. Now she may rest in peace forever.

“Oh Castitas Lilium…”

Gildas Magnus
Date Published
10/26/08 (Originally Created: 10/25/08)
Gildas' Fics
Elfen Lied Fan Words
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