Care Bears Truely are Evil kyouyarenge

Okay, a bit of the legal disclaimer: I DO NOT own Care Bears. No copy right infringement is intended. Also, my friend made up part of this story a while ago, and I amsimply using it for the creepy effect.

Whew! Now that that's over, a few suggestions. To increase the creepy factor read on a dark, quiet night. Perferably when it's raining. If not, at least read this in a dark, quiet room. When the little rhyme comes up, read it in a small, creepy, voice like a little girl's.

Finally! Here it goes...


Not to long ago, in a small suburb some where in the United States, there was an incident in a large store. A man came in and managed to open a kitchen knife set. He ran around, stabbing a killing many people. One young girl was with her parents in the stuffed animal isle. She clutched on to one of those large, three foot Care Bears. The man made it to this isle with security coming around, painfully slow behind him. He ran up the isle and stabbed the young girl's parents. The poor girl watched, horified, as her parents' bodies fell lifelessly to the floor. The man continued to ripp the Care Bear out of her hands, and stabbed her many times in the chest, before security was close enough to shoot the man.

A little girl, about 8 years old, heard her parents discuss this story, but did not listen to it much. Her mind was too focussed on completeing her Care Bear collection. She only needed one more three foot bear, Sunshine bear, and she would have them all! Her parents had promised her they would take her shopping to find it that day. The girl and her older sister hopped in the car and drove off.

At a small, second hand store, they found the exact Care Bear that the girl wanted! Some sticky red liquid ha been spilled on its arm, but the girl was insistant on buying it. When the family got home the girls played with the Care Bear the whole day. As their parents watched, they continued to discuss the newspaper article, and the poor little girl. Apparently as the killer walked around, he sang some mad little rhyme.

I'm on my first step, I'm on my second step...

He would continue to do that until he reached a person. Then he killed them. The story was horific, and eventually, the parents left the room to discuss it.

Finally, the girls' parents announced bed time. The girl put the bear in her closet, and went to bed.

About midnight, the girl woke up to a slight squeeking noise. Looking over, her closet door was open! She thought she shut it, but thinking it might not have closed right, she started to go back to sleep. Just before her dream land once again came to her, a small voice came from her closet. A the voice seemed to belong to a small little girl.

"I'm on my first step.

I'm on my second step.

I'm on my third step.

I'm out of your room."

Now the girl opened her eyes. The rhyme was similar to the one her parents talked about. Was it some practical joke, made up by her sister?

"I'm on my first step.

I'm on my second step.

I'm in your sister's room.

I'm on my first step.

I'm on my second step.

I'm on my third step.

I'm on your sister's bed.

I'm on my fist step.

I'm on my second step.

Oops! Your sister's dead!"

Now, the little girl was a bit scared. She climbed out of bed silently and tip toed over to her sister's room. In the dark, she could see her sister, lying there, with the Care Bear. Now believing it was ment just to scare her, she went back to her own room. Just as she got in bed, the trance-like chant started up again.

"I'm on my first step.

I'm on my second step.

I'm off your sister's bed.

I'm on my first step.

I'm on my second step.

I'm on my third step.

I'm out of your sister's room.

I'm on my first step.

I'm on my second step.

I'm in your parents' room.

I'm on my first step.

I'm on my second step.

I'm on my third step.

I'm on your parents bed.

I'm on my first step.

I'm on my second step.

Oops! Your parents are dead!"

Angry now, the joke had gone too far, she jumped outvof bed and ran to her parents' room. The Care Bear now laid in between her parents. She shook her dad.

"Daddy! Sissy's being scary and mean!" she cried. When there wasn't the usual grunt, she shook him again.

"Daddy! Go tell her to stop!" this time, her fingers came up sticky. Flicking on the lights, she screamed.

Her parents' bed sheet was soak in blood and torn apart. Her parents lay, lifeless, in two pools of blood. She ran to her sister's room.

The first thing she noticed was the salty, yet sickeningly sweet smell. Turning on the lights, she ran to her sister. When she reached the bed, blood was already drying into the comforter. "Sissy!" she screamed, then ran back to her own room. Just as she reached for her cell phone, the chant began again.

"I'm on my first step.

I'm on my second step.

I'm off your parents' bed."

She picked up her cell phone.

"I'm on my first step.

I'm on my second step.

I'm on my third step.

I'm out of your parents' room."

She tried to turn it on. The battery was dead.

"I'm on my first step.

I'm on my second step.

I'm on my third step.

I'm in your room."

She wheeled around to face the Care Bear. It held a knife in one bloody hand, and glared at her with hypnotic, blood red eyes. Screaming, she dropped her cell phone, which smashed to the floor. She was frozen in place.

"I'm on my first step.

I'm on my second step.

I'm on my third step.

Oops! Your dead!"

Date Published
11/30/-1 (Originally Created: 10/28/09)
.:~+~:.Heavens Earth.:~+~:.
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