moani1582 (Fan Art Portfolio) Pele is not impressed (Scary Stuff 03) Not Really

Pele is not impressed (Scary Stuff 03) Not Really
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Ok. so um yeah the last illustration I drew kinda freaked me out a bit. I'm a grown man but somethings, (especially those from Hawaii) are dreadful and way too disturbing.

So how about another illustration, but not creepy....

Today we have Pele the Goddess of fire. She is one of the more(if not, then most) popular gods in Hawaiian legend. She is known for her "fiery" temper and passion for romance (still a better story than twilight). I'm not going to post the numerous stories here because I'm lazy, use your google-fu.

The reason for this Illustration is rather more of a PSA. Hawaii is a nice place to visit, but just remember certain rules.

-NEVER, NEVER, NEVER take any rocks, sand, plants, or anything that belongs to he 'Aina (land) back home. Please don't. A lot of postal workers are upset that they find boxes of rocks and other stuff returned because someone took them home as a souvenir. BTW, they have to find its original location to return or have a Kahuna deal with it. Legend says that Pele curses whoever takes them away and bad things happen. (illustration)

-Don't disrespect the land and its sacred places. Heiaus(hawaiian sacred temples) and burial grounds, are filled with enormous spiritual energy. Diss one and you'll be sorry. Two examples: 1) Two freeways are haunted because the land they're built on was sacred (One of those freeways took seven years to build because they were too scared to work). 2) A Big Stone in my old high school shut down an excavator, which was trying to move it, because of the spiritual energy that resided in it. It took a Kahuna, (Hawaiian Priest/Shaman/wizard/wise man/healer) to plead with the energy release so my school can expand. So don't kick a rock nor pee on a tree....bad bad bachi (hawaii pidgin slang: bad luck)

-Don't disrespect the locals. I really shouldn't have to say this but.... A lot of locals have a different way of life. It's laid back, smooth, and filled with Aloha. All locals speak english and a good number of them can speak their homeland's language(tagalog, mandarin, Japanese, Korean, portuguese, hawaiian, etc). The one thing they all speak though, is Pidgin(Hawaiian creole language). It's slang english like ebonics but way more complicated(I wonder if my english writing is affected). A lot of people who visit, hear this language and think that the locals are dumb. Not true at all. Diss a local, and you might end up on the wrong side of a fist if you know what I mean.

No, we don't live in huts, we have cities, cars, and internet. There's a Walmart too.
No, everyone who lives in Hawaii is not a always hawaiian. I am from Hawaii, not Hawaiian.
No, Not everyone plays the ukulele or dances the Hula.
Hawaii is part of the United States.
Yes, I can speak Pidgin and it's currently recognized as an official language. So...Bilingual, B#$%hes.
Go to the beach.

Whew...As always...speak your mind.

Personal Fan Art
Fire, Goddess, Hawaii, Lava, Legend, Pele, Stone, Volcano
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3 members Favoritefavorite
allycat2090 nikkeh09 WildGirl1977
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