fire.freak (Fan Art Portfolio) Arai Takameshi [Official Ref]

Arai Takameshi [Official Ref]
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--- Basic Info ---

Name: Araikohana Amarante Amaterasu Takameshi
Kanji: 荒い子 あまらんて 鷹飯
Meaning: “arai” meaning ‘wild’; “kohana” meaning ‘little flower'; “amarante” meaning ‘flower that never fades’; “amaterasu” meaning ‘sun goddess’; “taka” meaning ‘valuable’, ‘honorable’, ‘noble’, or ‘hawk’; “meshi” meaning “cooked rice” (LOL)
Alias/Nicknames: Arai. Please just call her Arai. Being called “Araikohana” causally royally pisses her off. Only her father may call her by her full name.
Epithets/titles: “The Wildflower of the Leaf”
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual/Straight
Birthday: March 21st
Age: Part I: 12-13; Part II: 15-17; The Last: 19; Epilogue: 32
Zodiac sign: Pisces

--- Characteristics ---

Blood type: B
Height: Part I: 5’0; Part II: 5’4; The Last: 5’4; Epilogue: 5’4
Weight: Part I: 100lbs; Part II: 115lbs; The Last: 120lbs; Epilogue: 125lbs
Eyes: - Pale, lavender eyes
Hair: Darkened honey blonde in color. Her hair is usually kept in a loose braid and the length ends just at the start of her thighs. Her bangs are parted in the middle and curl away from each other.
Skin: Slightly tanned
Unusual Features: N/A

--- Ninja information ---

Affiliation:Born: Niwagakure [OC Village]; Resident: Konohagakure
Rank: Part I: Genin; Part II: Chunin->Jonin; The Last: Jonin; Epilogue: Special Jonin
Occupation: - Part I+II: Volunteer Florist at the Yamanaka Flowershop; The Last: Gentle Fist Instructor; Epilogue: Gentle Fist Instructor+Team 13 Leader
Status: Active
Ninja-ID: 012613
Team: Part I: Team 13; Part II+The Last: Team Hanzo; Epilogue: Team 13
Kekkei Genkai: Takameshi Clan’s Nature Release and Hyuga Clan’s Byakugan.
Chakra nature: Nature, Storm, and Yang
Ninjutsu range: Mid to long-range
Defensive/Offensive type: Balanced, leaning towards Offensive
Weapons: She always has her trusty Kusari-gama ready for action, whether it is in its scroll or attached to her back. She is also proficient in the use of war fans and bo staves.

Missions completed (By the time of the Epilogue):
D-rank: 27
C-rank: 42
B-rank: 96
A-rank: 147
S-rank: 62
Total: 374

Strength: TBA
Weakness: TBA
Taijutsu: Excellent
Ninjutsu: Good
Genjutsu: Weak

Fighting style: Arai is incredibly upfront and tends to fight face to face by way of Taijutsu – more specifically, her Gentle Fist Technique. She is very physical and likes to do the fighting with her own hands.

NIN: 3/5
TAI: 5/5
GEN: 2/5
KEN(intelligence): 3/5
RIKI(power): 4/5
SOKU(speed): 3.5/5
SEI(chakra): 4.5/5
IN(finger sign): 4/5
Total: 29/40

--- Techinques ---

Arai is just as good at performing her ninjutsu skills as any other ninja. She’s perfectly average, she just makes it look easy.


Technique 1:

Name: Ken no Hanabira (Petals of the Sword)

Hand sign(s): TBA

Description: A jutsu in which Arai can direct petals and leaves to act as razor sharp blades and gain ability to cut through certain materials as if being used like a sharp weapon. Easily substitutes weapons such as shurikens, kunais, katanas, and more.

Rank: N/A

Range: Mid-Long range

Type: Ninjutsu

Technique 2:

Name: Nankan no Jutsu (Barrier Jutsu)

Hand sign(s): TBA

Description: A jutsu allowing one to make a barrier around themselves. It can withstand all ninja weapons and can cancel out other range jutsus. However, skills of high caliber have a chance to break the barrier from a section, possibly shattering the rest. Arai can cover up to half of the Konohagakure. With enough chakra, or with her pro alter ego’s chakra, Arai can cover all of the Konoha within her barrier.

Rank: N/A

Range: Long range

Type: Ninjutsu

Technique 3:

Name: Ryūnoyubiwa (Rings of the Dragons)

Hand sign(s): TBA

Description: A Takameshi traditional jutsu. It was naturally named “Rings of the Elemental Dragons Jutsu. Arai gets eight rings on her fingers that can conjure elemental dragons to aide her in battle. The dragons are no longer bound to her rings like when she was younger.

Rank: N/A

Range: Long range

Type: Ninjutsu

Technique 4:

Name: Ribbon of Pain Jutsu

Hand sign(s): TBA

Description: Arai directs a ribbon around her opponent. The more the opponent struggles to free themselves, the more pain the ribbon causes them to feel. Like kunais digging into the skin. The ribbon must cover shoulder to knee in order to be effective.

Rank: N/A

Range: Long range

Type: Ninjutsu

Arai is most proficient in her Taijutsu skills, ususally being over confident in her abilities to take someone down with her own hands. Needless to say, she is a skilled Taijutsu fighter and tends to use her Hyuga clan’s Gentle Fist quite a lot.


Technique 1:

Name: Gentle Fist

Hand sign(s): N/A

Description: Of course we’re all familiar with the Hyuga clan’s famous Gentle Fist. With Arai’s ability to use Byakugan – thanks to her mother’s blood - she is able to use the Juyiken, her skill nearly rivalling her spar partner, Neji Hyuga’s.

Rank: N/A

Range: Close range

Type: Taijutsu

Technique 2:

Name: Jaws and Claws Jutsu

Hand sign(s): TBD

Description: Arai can extend her teeth and nails to become monstrous fangs and claws that can shred her enemies if on perfect angles. The fangs and nails can be altered with either chakra overshadowing a wolf’s snout or with simple, small extensions of her own teeth and nails.

Rank: N/A

Range: Close range

Type: Taijutsu

Technique 3:

Name: Tiger Wolf Dragon STRIKE!

Hand sign(s): TBA

Description: A straight forward Taijutsu type move. Arai runs to the enemy on both feet, or on all fours, and pounces hard like a Tiger. She then roars as sonic waves are sent hurling towards the opponent sending then back. The Wolf then slashes up the opponent with multiple shadowblurs in use, bites them in a choice area of the gut, shoulder, arm, or leg, and flings then upwards. Finally, the Dragon, who is in midair with the opponent already, does multiple kicks and punches before placing both feet on the opponents torso and crushing them into the ground with great power.

Rank: N/A

Range: Close range

Type: Taijutsu

Arai’s genjutsu leaves much to be desired, but is still good enough for the basic chunin’s level. Her best genjutsu skill is the same one she refrains from using due it’s incredibly harmful effects.


Technique 1:

Name: Illusionary Harmony

Hand sign(s): TBD

Description: An illusion skill that Arai learned while on a rescue mission to save her younger brother. She can place someone in a harmonious place. A land where their mind is at peace before she turns it into a horrible nightmare land that rips apart the mind of her opponent.

Rank: N/A

Range: Long range

Type: Genjutsu

--- Personal traits ---

Arai is certainly the ambitious type that doesn't generally take ‘no’ as an acceptable answer to her ideas because of the great confidence she has in her mind and intuition, sometimes getting her into trouble with her senseis. Despite that fact, she is incredibly loyal to those who have her trust - even to those who she is working for. She wouldn't think to ever betray anyone for any reason at all. If they had wronged her, she would just confront them, plain and simple. She can be quite rough when trying to get her point across or demanding her way to be the only way, but in actuality, she’s very friendly and cheerful. It just takes time to see how kind she really is. Arai gets fired up easily and is usually optimistic about situations, rarely seeing the downside of things, most likely due to the confidence she has in herself. This allows her to keep up her energy all day long. She can also be quite witty, giving tongue-lashings for miles to anyone that deserves to be shot down or outright pisses her off. Arai is very alert to her surroundings, and when challenged, takes it up honorably. She has a strange need to prove her fighting worth to her seniors and peers. Getting past her serious side, she has a great sense of humor and a gentle, yet weathered, heart behind all of the rough and tough she displays. She can be very sweet and friendly, compassionate and caring as well, but has a temper that can prove dangerous. She’s patient with others, but has no tolerance for arrogance and stupidity. Arai is quick to take up leadership when everyone else seeks someone to lead, as she is influential and has, as she claims, pinpoint intuition, but is pretty bashful which often gives her a hard time around others.

Good traits:

Optimistic; Dependable; Loyal; Tactful

Bad traits:

Stubborn; Short-tempered; Reckless; Sarcastic


She loves to eat all kinds of food, especially dango and ramen together. Cooked rice, especially coconut rice, is another favorite of hers, and she could literally eat it for the rest of her life. Arai loves all earthy-toned colors, but, strangely enough, her favorite color is red. She has a special love for horses, wolves, and ferrets. In her free times, she likes to hang back at home and relax, spar her Gentle Fist with Hyuga clan members, and tend to her family’s prized, and ancient, flower garden. She also loves scented bubble baths and adores flowers! She also quite likes Jasmine tea.


She hates to even smell calamari as it makes her feel sick and neon colors make her go crazy to the point of wanting to completely wreck whatever it is donning the ultra-bright colors. Bugs and insects completely freak her out – she just can’t handle them being around her. She can’t stand the belittling that some of the Hyuga clan members have subjected her to for being of impure Hyuga blood. Basically, because Arai is half Hyuga, a small portion of the clan do not see her as an equal, but as something less.


Sleeping, sparring, gardening, reading, singing (though she’s not all that great)





--- Relationships ---


Keiji Makoto Takameshi (Part I: 38-39; Part II: 40-42; The Last: 44; Epilogue: 57) [Active]

Amarante Hyuga-Takameshi [Deceased]


Keisuke Mamoru Takameshi (Part I: 17-18; Part II: 20-22) [Deceased]

Ayumi Aneko Takameshi (Part I: 12-13; Part II: 15-17; The Last: 19; Epilogue: 32) [Active]

Kojiro Daichi Takameshi (Part I: 12-13; Part II: 15-17; The Last 19; Epilogue: 32) [Active]

Honaru Daisuke Takameshi (Part I: 7-8; Part II: 10-11; The Last: 13; Epilogue: 27) [Active]


Takameshi Clan:

Amaterasu Takameshi (grandmother); Kazuo Takameshi (uncle); Akira Takameshi (cousin); Shichiro Takameshi (cousin); Yasuri Takameshi (??); Toru Takameshi (uncle)

Hyuga Clan:

Hayato Hyuga (grandfather) and Hanae Hyuga (grandmother)


Hanzo Nakishiyo [Jonin Sensei]

Kike Hatake [Teammate]

Seth Nagakura [Teammate]



Best friend:



Neji Hyuga



--- Background & history ---


She lived a simple childhood, growing up alongside her large, and growing, family. Being the daughter of the clan’s leader, she was well pampered, but treated differently. Even though she was an incredibly friendly and kind child, many other Takameshi children were intimidated by her status and never really treated her equally. Luckily, she had her twin brother and twin sister with her, always, as well as her first cousins. She also visited the Hyuga Manor quite often with her mother and siblings to see her grandparents, Hayato and Hanae Hyuga. She was well-loved by her grandparents, despite the fact that she wasn’t a full-bred Hyuga. On the flip side, a small portion of the Hyuga residents were disgusted by Hyuga children, such as Arai, who barely resembled Hyugas. By the time Arai turned 5, her visits to the Hyuga Manor consisted of visiting her grandparents and learning the Gentle Fist. Disaster, of course, would strike when the Takameshi estate is attacked by the neighboring village of Amegakure. In the chaos and confusion, Arai’s mother is fatally injured while protecting her small children. Amarante entrusts Keisuke to take Honaru and the triplets, and run to Konohagakure. Doing as his mother instructed, that was the last time Arai ever saw her mother. Before Keisuke could get to Konoha with Arai and his siblings, Honaru was kidnapped by Ame ninjas. Arai’s father arrives in time to go after those ninjas while giving Keisuke a scroll to give to the guards of Konohagakure, instructing him on what to do, then leaving to rescue his year old child, Honaru. From then on, Arai became a resident of Konohagakure. Keisuke enrolled her into the ninja academy where she devoted herself to becoming a great ninja so that she wouldn’t be caught helpless like on the day her mother died.

Genin days:

In the class of Ayuka-sensei, Arai was promoted at the age of 12 alongside the Rookie 9 of Iruka-sensei’s class. From the very beginning, Arai and her two teammates – Kike and Seth – got along like a dream… well, almost. Though their moves sometimes got in each other’s ways, they soon learned to turn their mistakes into team-planned skills. It didn’t take long for their potential as a team of three to truly shine. During her free time away from the team, Arai would either relax at home with her siblings and pets, spend casual time with her teammates, train at the Hyuga Manor, or volunteer at the Yamanaka Flowershop where her chakra nature made her a natural.

Chunin days:

Arai was promoted to Chunin during Sunagakure's sponsoring of the exams. Naturally, her Genin teammates had succeeded alongside her and, from then on, continued to go on missions as a team of four (including their sensei): Team Hanzo. Arai also spent much of her time caring for plants and animals as well as going on small recon missions with chosen Hyugas whenever asked.

Time skip/Shippuuden:

Arai continues her duties as a Leaf Village ninja, while also completing tasks for her own clan and home village. She was given the chance to become promoted to a Jonin just before the war began, but was whisked away, wanting and needing to defend her home. After the War, she was immediately given a chance, yet again, to become a Jonin – which she succeeded splendidly. *Headcanon Extras* Arai’s relationship with Neji truly begins after the war and after his resurrection – which was made possible due to the sacrifice of Keisuke. **

War Arc:

Arai joined the Allied Shinobi Force to defend her homes. She was enlisted into the 2nd Division with her fellow Hyugas, Neji and Hinata. However, she was moved into the 3rd Division due to having a special Takameshi skill that was perfectly close to mid-ranged and helpful to that division. Her dream while inside the genjutsu was being praised within the Hyuga Manor, no longer being seen as an “impurity” as a Hyuga, while being honored by her mother (who is on her left) and being romantically noticed by Neji (who is on her right).

The Last:

Arai continues her work as a Jonin, taking many of her missions alone, but also taking plenty of missions with her old teammates, Team Hanzo. When Kojiro, her twin brother, tries to pass the mantle of Head of the Takameshi Clan to her from him, she refuses, telling her brother that he would make the most superb head once their father decided to step down and pass the ebaton. Along with that, she lectures her sister about being the Priestess they need, as Arai wouldn’t be able to fulfill a role such as that. *Headcanon* Neji and herself have become more romantically involved with one another since Shippuden, becoming a serious couple. In fact, he proposes to her in the middle of everything that happens. The two are married some time before Naruto and Hinata, and attend their wedding as husband and wife**

Prologue/Chapter 700+:

Now a mother of five children, Arai doesn’t take on as many missions as she had in the past. She takes on Jonin jobs, even Special Jonin jobs, to her leisure, but is primarily a Gentle Fist Instructor to the children of the Hyuga Clan and a Taijutsu Instructor to the Ninja Academy children. **Headcanon because I caaaaaan**

--- Trivia ---


Naruto Fan Art
arai, naruto, oc, takameshi
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