Ellenor Mererid (Fan Art Portfolio) Father and son

Father and son
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Wanted to work out Iven's father- his name is Barin Malin, and this came, this is really little Iven, he's give or take a 1 years old and it was inspired by a photo of my uncle and cousin.
I like how his design has come out :) Iven got most of his looks from his mother but got most of his personality traits from his father. He got his archery skills from him and he also got his quietness, seriousness and hard working from XD
Barin was the highest ranking soldier/warrior of the tribe, he's serious, hard working, a man of few words and someone isn't open with his emotion (with Azlyn an exception) and a little rough around the edges, but once Iven was born he became more talkative and open and a bit more friendly, as a father, he would do anything for Iven and Iven is his pride and joy and adores him :) And Barin is Ivens hero and is one of the people he looks up to most :)
About 50 years before Iven was born, his homeland was devastated by a unknown force (for a long time thought to have been a natural disaster) that changed it from a tropical rain forest to a barren desert that Iven was born into. And Barin had been caught out in the disaster and got poisoned and it has been slowly infecting his whole body. Barin died when Iven was just 4 years old.

Even though this is a simplistic drawing, I like how it's turned out and I like baby Iven and Barin's design.
Barin and Iven Malin belong to me
I hope you all like it :) ^^

Personal Fan Art
barin, concept, cute, father, iven, oc, sketch, son
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