itsumademo (Fan Art Portfolio) Cross Sketch

Cross Sketch
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One of six profile sketches I doodled up, all are oc’s of mine who either needed faces or updated ones

This here is Cross, one of my favorite and first oc’s, from my old, to be renamed, vampire/demon story thing and I have drawn her several times over the years; I think any that were done or posted are on my old DA account or this site, though only the last one or two there are the most current

I actually like this one, I think it captures her features, general expression, and demeanor well

  • Cross has long pure white hair, though still almost ever so slightly translucent even when she is fully fed, that reaches her backside and is kept in a low ponytail with a multiply wrapped piece of grey fabric as the tie; her eyes are green, utterly, flawlessly green, no flecks, no shadings whatsoever, and the sclera is perfectly white, no veins, nothing; her skin is similarly without any mark, her complexion is very light, smooth, and eerily flawless due to her partially translucent skin and white/silver blood beneath it—when fed, the human blood pinkens her own, giving the skin some color. She has the appearance of a 19-20 year old, but is actually somewhere around 330, give or take.

  • Cross is a vampire/human hybrid, her mother being a pureblood vampire and her father a human; she is the first and only of her kind. Cross once had a decently happy, however marginally naïve, life, despite never really knowing her parents—as they died protecting her—; unfortunately after an incident she caused in a fit of grief-stricken rage, she fled all in her life to live in solitary. She is deeply guilt ridden, heartbroken, lonely, and in her 100 years alone she grows gradually bitter, visually stoic, and blandly cynical; she hates everything about herself and considers her solitary existence to be both a punishment and penance for what she did and who she is.

Cross belongs to ME, a.k.a, itsumademo on theOtaku/itsufer on deviantART


Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
character, concept, cross, demon, doodle, human, hybrid, itsu, itsufer, itsumademo, oc, original, profile, sketch, story, traditional, vampire
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