Ellenor Mererid (Fan Art Portfolio) Compare The Stars - Sirius

Compare The Stars - Sirius
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I have no idea what on earth I'm doing DX Well it came from the list of human names Rosel-D gave the characters from planetary moe, and Sirius B's name is Sergius, and here in the UK there is a very popular add campaign for the company comparethemarket and the adds are for comparethemeerkat which is because some people confused the names and in those adverts there are meerkats, and one of them is called sergei and so their names are similar and I couldn't get it out of my head that sirius B could be Sergei and so Sirius A became Aleksandr Orlov, and they can be quite similar XD

Aleksandr Orlov bosses poor old Sergei about, much like Sirius A bosses lovelly Sirius B arround. Also they're personalities match, Aleksandr Orlov and Sirius A's personalities are a bit vain and full of themselves and Sirius B and Sergei don't match as much, they've been through a bit and they're just your general dogs body that has to do everything! XD

Here is the website - http://www.comparethemeerkat.com/?SRC=CU11
and here is how the Meerkats look like :
Aleksandr Orlov = http://img.thesun.co.uk/aidemitlum/archive/01390/snf13katx-682_1390673a.jpg
Sergei = https://rewards.comparethemarket.com/PageFiles/64/toy_profile_sergei_wrap.png

Planetary moe; Sirius A and B belong to the wonderful :iconrosel-d:

I hope you all like it and I'm sorry it isn't very good my ability to draw well has seemed to disapear. . hopefully it'll return soon, untill then I hope this is good enough

Other Internet Fan Art
Aleksandr Orlov, planetary moe, rosel d, Sergei, sirius a, sirius b
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