Keya (Fan Art Portfolio) Lycan Alexis

Lycan Alexis
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Here's my entry for Ametsu the Ninja's fanart challenge Alternate Approach! [Your OC]. I really hate how the coloring came out, but I really tried to highlight/shade with the colored pencils. I terribly failed. OTZ

Anyway... This is my lycan/werewolf Alexis. She is my main protagonist in my WIP novel Ends. Originally she's a half vampire/half human who struggles with the two bloods inside of her. In my novel, she bites a good friend of hers turning him into a werewolf. (if this needs to be explained p.m. me) Her werewolf Reign remains loyal to her 100% and would never bite Alexis and turn her.

I read your challenge, and the thought occurred to me: What if, WHAT IF, Reign gave into his temptations and bit Alexis, destroying their bond forever and turning her into one of his own? WHAT IF HE DID THAT?!!! Here's the result! A crazed, very feral Alexis who is constantly pissed off and will take down anyone who dares to stand up to her or hurt Reign.

I really had fun with this, even though I ruined the coloring. This is a great challenge! If I can think of anything else, I will enter again. :)

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
Alexis, Ends, lycan, werewolf
8 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
Zuzu Uchiha WoopQuop Ametsu the Ninja
Member Dedication
Ametsu the Ninja
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Alternate Approach! [Your OC]
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