Keba Si Rota (Fan Art Portfolio) Day 11: Something that Makes Me Happy

Day 11: Something that Makes Me Happy
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Elricz's prompt for day 11 was to draw something that makes you feel happy.

Personally this one was kind of hard. I didn't want to do my usual fall-back answers like music, drawing, and so on. I started thinking about animals I liked: foxes, dogs... BUNNIES! I always had a thing for bunnies as a kid. But I went one step further. As dorky as this sounds, I associate the Care Bears with happy thoughts. I drew a Care Bear Cousin, namely Swift Heart Rabbit. She* was always my favorite character in that show.

This was done entirely in Illustrator. I followed a tutorial on DevaintART to make the hearts. I wanted things to look more-less symmetrical, but after a lot of painstaking moving of shapes ('cause Illustrator is all about shapes), I just did what was easiest: EYEBALLING!

This isn't my best work. I didn't even bother shading because (a) gradients were causing me problems, (b) the only way I know how to do cell shading in Illustrator is a pain in the rump, and (c) I just wanted to get it done. But I think I'm getting a little better at Illustrator.

Tools Used:

  • Adobe Illustrator CS5

The artwork is mine, but if you want, feel free to use it in a card or wallpaper. Just follow theO rules.

*The reason I put the asterisk there is because there are several Care Bears continuities. It seems that from series to series, at least one character changes gender, with Swift Heart being one of the most famous examples. Until a few years ago, I learned that she was originally a he. But I probably will always think of Swift Heart as female.

Care Bears Fan Art
blue, cloud, day 11, happy, rabbit, sky, swift heart rabbit
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