fire.freak (Fan Art Portfolio) Wait for me, my good luck charm baby

Wait for me, my good luck charm baby
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Because I'm a derp that didn't know how to submit a piece into a challenge, I'm submitting this again 8'D

"Don't want a four leaf clover
Don't want an old horse shoe
Want your kiss 'cause I just can't miss
With a good luck charm like you" -Good Luck Charm by Elvis Presley

"Knowing that you wait for me
Ever so patiently
Yeah, you're everything I've ever dreamed of having and
It's everything I need from you just knowing that you wait for me" - Wait For Me by Theory of a Deadman

Why am I such a sap?!
Because I'm in love with love dahahah~

As for the song quotes, I thought of Good Luck Charm by Elvis Presley and Captain (my friend) thought of Wait For Me by Theory of a Deadman, so I put them together~ Ah, and the posing came from my art club at college, so I'm not a super mega genius, don't worry (although my original one was similar, just standing with Jay being lift off her feet) -w-

The story behind these two lovebirds:
Derek Fiers is an average teenage boy trying to best his military hardened father, a renowned Pokemon Champion, by surpassing him as a Trainer with his own team of companions.
Jayleen Okido is an average teenage girl who is working her way to becoming a Frontier Brain of the Battle Arcade, letting past experiences fuel her fire with the help of her team.
These two meet by coincidence when they are both invited to an invitation only Pokemon World Tournament amongst the strongest Trainers in the world from every region (around 200+ Trainers). Although they step off on the wrong foot, events during the pre-Survival Games and opening World Tournament eventually bring them closer and closer together until they are rooting for one another and keeping each other in the game. Jayleen wonders if she has feelings for Derek, but tries to ward herself from them, only wanting to be friends.
Coming towards the end of the months-long Tournament, Derek and Jayleen have, of course, begun to fall for one another - in which they confess after much stumbling. Afterwards, Derek becomes an unstoppable force, as he believes it is because he has Jayleen by his side, thus calling her his "good luck charm baby".
Jayleen is eventually disqualified by losing near the semi-finals. Derek vows to win the Tournament for her no matter what and requests that she wait for him to come back, which she accepts positively and with enthusiasm. With that drive, Derek wins the entire Tournament by a hair.
Derek brings back his ribbon to Jayleen and pins it to her wall, wanting her to keep it. His excuse being, "Since I took you as my good luck charm, you can take this. Now we're even." Reunited, they share an intimate kiss in the arms of one another <3

Sweet Jesus, I'm a sap ;U; But that is the story~ Half of this scenario is made by Captain and half is made by me (which will be coming together on Fanfiction.Net! He'll be focusing on Ash, the OCs, and the Tournament since he has a big responsibility, and I'll be doing all the sappy stuff with side stories <3)

Ah! And the large Pokeballs are symbolic! As you can see, the pink one to the left is a Love Ball, the green one to the right of it is a Friend Ball, and the almighty Master Ball is on the same side as the Love Ball, to its left. Derek is on the left of this picture and Jayleen is on the right, yes? Derek wanted to love Jayleen, but Jayleen only wanted to be friends, being afraid of her own feelings. Do you follow? Eventually, love won out by a landslide. Thus, the never-fail Master Ball is teamed with the Love Ball <3 Lame, but that's what I thought of ;U;

Derek Fiers (c) My super awesome and extremely talented writer friend! aka CaptainPrice007(dA)
Jayleen Okido (c) fire.freak(theO)/fire-freak94(dA)

Yes, yes I can feel the love tonight <3

Pokemon Fan Art
can you feel the love tonight, captainprice, challenge, derek, fiammajoule, fiers, good luck charm, intimate, jayleen, kiss, love, oc, okido, pokeball, pokemon, romance, wait for me
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Can You Feel The Love Tonight?
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